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Monday, December 7, 2009

LML: Runway Rundown Part 2

Hit it!

Eric & Galina

In terms of design, it couldn't be any more basic. In terms of style, it's way too '90s South Beach. In terms of that gold rick-racky trim near the hem, we are appalled.

Kevin & Akiko

Between the spitting and the plotting, we'd about had enough of this guy by the end of the first hour.

The dress is fine. Nothing new or exciting but very wearable. Two things: the bust line's a little uneven and the fabric's a little Blanche Devereux's Lanai Cushion Collection.

Merle & Thai

A veteran of countless red carpet commentary bitchfests (not to mention RuPaul's Drag Race), we expect great things from Merle in this competition.

And while this isn't flawless by any means, it's a pretty good start and a baseline for her line, apparently.

She's all into the utilitarian aspect of clothing and how to give the consumer more bang for their buck. You can really lapse into gimmicky stuff from that starting point, but if she keeps it useful and stylish, she can give the judges something to talk about - in a good way.

Roberto & Patrick

Darlings, camera-hogging drama queens are the lifeblood of reality television blogging. Without them, where would we get our jokes? Unfortunately for them, we've been doing this a while and we have little patience for those CHDQs who can't even do it with a little finesse. Roberto here all but held up a sign that read "I'm only doing this to get camera time," it was that clumsy and obvious. As such, we will not reward him for his bumbling efforts. Roberto darling, one must do these things with some thought and preparation. One doesn't simply decide on the spur of the moment to have a hissy fit over nothing. One does the slow burn, with bitchy comments. That way, when the blowup comes, you've laid the groundwork and both you and your sparring partner will have plenty of opportunity to really get in there and get bitchy. Honestly. Must we teach you bitches everything?

As for the look:
Now we know why he suddenly decided to stage a hissy. He could smell the bad.

Look, Patrick's (surprisingly) a sweetie, and we can totally support dandy-ism in all its forms, but this is just a lot of color and shine piled on top of the poor girl with no thought to proportion or fit or style. It's like these two queens have a style concept no more broad than " A LOT - and PLENTY of it!"

[Photos: - Screencaps:]

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