We're not kidding, we gasped when we heard who Sweet P's client was going to be. Could there possibly have been a better choice?

Sweet P's got her thing and it's not really our thing, but this dress was done well and appropriate for the client.
Backstage pic from Laura.

Before we get to the dress, what the FUCK is that girl wearing on her feet?
Honestly, the only thing we really don't like are the saddlebags pockets that are something of a Sweet P trademark.

We like the fabric (although it looks a little like an old camp blanket) and we really like the leather detail.
Niki Taylor and season 3 finalist Laura Bennett

This was another good pairup.

Niki's got that tall, angular, classic beauty that's tailor-made for Laura's clothes, plus she apparently had the kind of requests for the garment that are right up Laura's alley.

She wanted to have her (perceived) body flaws covered up and Laura's the perfect designer for that sort of thing.

We miss the days of Season 3. Why didn't they ask Uli to contribute?
Another backstage pic from Laura's camera. Nice sewing kit.

Another bad choice of foot wear.
As for the dress, we really like it. It may be a bit much for everyone's taste, but we absolutely love the color (Laura told us it's surplus Valentino fabric that she got from Mood) and all the embellishment in the bodice.
The only thing we didn't like was the way the hem extends past the maribou feathers. It would have been better to just have the dress end at the bottom of the feathers instead of extending past it. Still, this was the other major contender for the "win."
More pictures from Laura:

[Photos: WireImage/Bravotv.com/Project RunGay]
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