That was kind of a bust, wasn't it? Not that it was completely without entertainment value. Certainly, Kathy Griffin could keep us entertained by reading her insurance policy. And Lorenzo says that the live version was a hell of a lot more entertaining than the broadcast one. For one, Kathy came out and started off by reading a list of the words that Bravo wouldn't let her say and she did it in her inimitable Griffin style. Also, the wardrobe malfunction bit she did with Lance Bass was not ready for prime time but it sure as hell was funny. What you didn't see were her gigantic rubber boobs and his gigantic rubber penis. Since the whole joke hinged on that, it came across pretty flat when they blurred the offending body parts out.

Still, how much fun was it to see an All-Star Project Runway challenge?

It was so weird to see Laura and Mychael back in the work room alongside Nick and Sweet P and Chris and even (god help us) Daniel Franco. Of course we were thrilled because it gave us .... MORE DRESSES TO RIP! YAY!

When there were rumors floating around a couple of months ago that there would be an All-Star PR season, we rolled our eyes and declared the idea lame.

But after last night, we've definitely warmed up to the idea. Come on, who wouldn't want to see Laura's maribou feathers go toe to toe with Chris's human hair skirt? Or Sweet P vs. Alison? Nick v. Christian? Ah well. It's probably for the best.

The dresses from last night are all being auctioned off for relief efforts in Myanmar. How cool is that? You can own a Laura Bennett original AND help out your fellow man.
As for the dresses themselves, well...

Let's just say there were varying levels of fabulosity. You want more? Then continue to Page 2.
You can watch the whole runway show here, first:
[Photos: WireImage/ RunGay]
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