Kevin, such a cool guy.

Matt and Carisa from Top Design. They talked about the new season and they're really excited about it.

Ryan Humphrey and Erik Kolacz from Top Design. We love Erik, he's hilarious! We promised to see him in Chicago.

Kit, always fierce.

Kara, happy that she lost her "baby fat," loves being a mommy.

Andy Cohen congratulated us on our Metrosource article and we congratulated him on his (he's also in the magazine). It was all very mutual kissy-kiss.

Elisa, on a planetary visit.

Carmen, looking fab.
Okay, dish time:
When Lorenzo was going to take this picture, VictorYA was next to Carmen, so she called VictorYA to be in the same shot and VictorYA said "I don't do Project RunGay."
Smell HER.
When Lorenzo related the story later, another PR designer said "She better wake up. The Internet and the blogs are the future and the new magazines." TOO RIGHT, BITCHES.
Also, Jack Mackenroth barely said hi to Lorenzo and ignored him for the rest of the night. We gotta say, those S4 designers have NO sense of humor.

Fabulous Nora with her sister wearing her spring/summer line. Said that she's doing a lot of things and we'll keep us updated.

She was thrilled to see Lorenzo. She's so sweet and good-humored. We talked about her show and how excited she is about it.

La Russell, always gorgeous and friendly. We of course talked about the next season of Top Design and she's happy to be a judge again.

Fern Mallis and Peter. Lorenzo told her he had seen pictures of her in Australia for the fashion shows. She said she loves the designers there, and was, in fact, wearing a coat by an Australian designer.
Peter introduced Lorenzo to Fern, then later in the night Emmett introduced Lorenzo to her, which earned a laugh and a "Who is this guy that everyone wants me to meet?"

Ricky. We talked about him bringing his lingerie line to Fashion Week in Escondido and how proud he was of promoting fashion in his hometown.

Laura with Mychael.

Lorenzo and MARGARET CHO, Y'ALL.
Tom is seething.

Jillian is gorgeous.

We talked about her Newsday's Project Prom thing and she said she's going to give us a sneak peek of her fall collection.

We talked about his ass.

Fab Jay with Tom Colicchio from Top Chef

Tim Gunn's new Guide to Style co-hostess, Gretta Monahan. Very sweet, she's very excited about working with Tim and when Lorenzo mentioned that he was from a blog, she said she loves blogs. Smart girl.

Fabulous Diana in a DVF dress.

Diana, Chloe wearing her design (Chloe Blue!) and Emmett, who is launching his new line of bags for QVC and J.C. Penney.

Zulema looking fabulous. We talked about her new approach to presenting her collection through videos online and how that is the way of the future. She said she had the help of her girlfriend who is an expert on that.

Breton et Franco.
[Photos: Project RunGay]
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