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Friday, October 9, 2009

Auf Wiedersehen!

Darlings, in order to talk our way through this one, we're going to lift the veil slightly.

You see, it goes like this: Thursday at 10, we sit down to watch the show. There is no talking allowed during the show except for commercial breaks. Minions allowed to watch with us are instructed as to this and violators are socially shunned for the remainder of the season. As soon as the show is over, we half-heartedly watch Models of the Runway, while we talk about the game plan for the next morning. Then we'll usually sit through the entire rebroadcast of the show at 11:30. One of us stays up late getting the screencaps for the first post of the day.

The next morning, we write the first post and somewhere between the "Congratulations" and "Auf Wiedersehen" posts, we watch the show AGAIN so that we can write the T Lo Awards for the Lifetime site and to hash out any hashing out that needs to be done for the "Auf Wiedersehen" post. Then, one of us gets the screencaps for the post while the other one puts the finishing touches on the T Lo Awards and sends them off to LifetimeLand.

Are you exhausted yet? We are! And that's just for the first two posts!

Why are we telling you this? Because this week, we actually needed all that time and that many viewings just to come to terms with this auf'ing. And you know what? We haven't come to terms with it yet!

Here's the thing, peeps: this is not a good dress, no matter how you look at it.

All right, calm down. We'll say upfront that we don't think he should have been auf'd but we have to admit, it took us several viewings to get to that consensus.

It's not just that it's a not particularly flattering or stylish dress; it's that there's a distressingly juvenile feel to this dress and that's WAY off-message for a challenge revolving around what Tim charmingly called in his retro manner "divorcees."

Something that's weird and a little irritating about this look: he made a jacket for this dress (she's wearing it in the above pic) but we didn't realize that until the 3rd viewing because it's not only the same fabric as the dress (which isn't a crime), but when she took it off, there was no change in her look. Usually, taking a jacket off or putting one on alters the look, sometimes drastically. And in a design competition, you want that effect to be drastic. Otherwise, why do it?

Could it have worked? Yes, with some major tweaking.

Like a different skirt and a different top. Sorry, kittens. As much as we agree he shouldn't have been auf'd over Logan's monstrosity, we can't in good conscience find much to praise about this look.

Okay, that part's a tiny little bit interesting, but it send Heidi off to the Rhineland and to be honest, bitchy as she was, she kind of had a point.

We'll say this: You have a friend trying on clothes and needing your opinion. She comes out of the dressing room wearing Logan's look. You say (quite rightfully), "GOD, no! Take it off!" She comes out wearing Epperson's look. You say, "Mmmm. Not really. It's kind of cute,"

THAT'S how we differentiate between the two.

Ra'mon twittered: "EPPERSON is a Master who deserves mad respect! I'm so fortunate to have been in the company of his wisdom, talent and honest compassion."

To which, we can only add "Amen." We truly dug the guy (not that way) and we're truly sorry to see him go. He's an artist and a real talent and on top of that, he just radiates cool. Hasta la vista, Easy Sewer.

Extended Judging:

Exit Video:

[Photos: Mike Yarish/ - Video: - Screencaps:]

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