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Friday, October 2, 2009

Bye-bye Birdie

Let's keep singing the blues, ladies.

Louise finally showed a little personality with the bird noises and that was all she wrote for her. Let that be a lesson, future contestants: don't show any personality.

As an aside, does it strike anyone else as a little weird that, even though the designers all seem to get along for the most part, at the start of every episode they're all "Oh, so-and-so went home. Any coffee left?" You'll see more emoting at an Asperger's convention.

Show of hands: who else thought these two were a disastrous combination? Nothing about them, from personality to aesthetic, would lead anyone to think they'd make a good team.

And hey, bitchface, how about you discuss your concerns about the pieces with the team leader instead of with everyone else in the room, including the camera man? Way to be a team player there, Pocahontas.

We felt bad for her. She fell into that classic trap: "The judges said I was boring last week, so this week, I'm going to do something CRAZY."

Model: Kojii Helnwein

Well, she succeeded on that front.

Although to be fair, this wasn't all that bad.

Ridiculously basic, but not that bad.

Unlike Nicolas, we have no problem with ruffles (and someone who keeps returning to cheap flammable lace should probably think twice before expressing his disgust). It's just that these ruffles were kind of weird and weirdly placed. Had she or Nicolas come up with a better way to utilize them, it could have saved the dress.

Model: Kalyn Hemphill

On the other hand, we don't know WHAT could have saved this dress. And who picked those shoes?

It's not just that it looks like she has a fungus growing on her; it's that the dress itself is so badly made. Look at her left boob. Why does one cup look about three sizes larger than the other one?

And look at how wrinkly and puckery the rest of it looks. Why did they ever choose that fabric? Despite what the judges said, this doesn't look like a bridesmaid dress to us but we can't deny that that is definitely a bridesmaid dress kind of fabric.

And again, take away the frippery and it could be more basic of a dress. In fact, that was her whole problem: she made two very basic dresses that she tried to tart up with some very bad ideas.

At least it allowed Frau Seal to get her German on. With Nina gone, clearly She and Michael felt they had to step up the bitchiness.

"Nicolas, did you win the last challenge?"

"Yes , Heidi. I did."

"So that means you have immunity. Aren't you lucky that you have immunity?"


"Say it, then. Say, "I'm lucky I have immunity."

"I - I'm lucky to have immunity."

"Damn straight. Get off my runway."

Extended Judging:

[Photos: Mike Yarish/ - Video: - Screencaps:]

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