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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bottom Boys - The Sequel

They're a modern stone age family!

You know we love you all like a gay kid loves sequins, but there are times when the commenters reach a consensus and all we can do is sit back and wonder where it came from.

When did adorable, weepy Christopher become the guy everyone hates? Sure, his work has been less than stellar these last few challenges and we can understand why people think he should have gone home, but the anger, kittens. Where is the anger coming from? He's like a little fluffy bunny of fashion!

Model: Katie Sticksel

Here's the thing: we think this earned its spot in the bottom but we actually would have been a bit pissed if he'd been sent home over it.

Cliche? You betcha. Not so great execution? No argument there. Tacky? Well yes, but we're talking about stagewear for Christina Aguilera here. If you really want to be pedantic about it, most of Bob Mackie's oeuvre could be considered tacky.

We actually like the bustier, although it could have been fitted better.

And we honestly don't mind the idea of hot pants, except these hot pants look decidedly flimsy. Nina went off on the whole Lady Marmalade thing but it's not uncommon for singers to wear costumes that hearken back to earlier looks when they're singing their greatest hits. Cher does it all the time and even Madonna broke out the wedding gowns and pointy bras in concert years after she made them famous.

Note to Katie: You may think your ass is your worst feature, and we realize we're not the demographic your ass should be appealing to, but you're nuts, girl. That ass is FINE.

For us, what makes this entry defensible is the fact that he was the only designer who conceptualized it in terms of stage wear. He gave her two distinct looks with quick-change capabilities. And to be honest, we kind of liked this look.

On the other hand, it's looking more and more obvious to us that Logan's being kept in the game in the hopes that he trips and falls and accidentally winds up with his penis inside one of the other contestants.

Model: Kojii Helnwein

Because this strikes us as pretty much indefensible.

Okay, that's not entirely true. We can defend it on the grounds that it least attempts an over-the-top stagewear sensibility. That's commendable since so many other designers for some inexplicable reason made gowns.

And he did use color, so points for that in a sea of black and white.

The problem is it's just drab and a little ugly.

And what is that? Seriously, WHAT IS THAT?

She kinda looks a little like she's being attacked from behind by some sort of animal.

Thankfully, Nina was finally home where she belonged.

"HAHAHA! Oh, 'Edgy?!' You think this sad piece of crap is "edgy?!"


"Oh, kid. You're killing Nina here. She looks like a hooker in Bedrock."

"Nina! Say something about Christopher's look! Go ahead!"

"There is nothing amusing about Christopher's look. It sickens me."

"Why oh why am I forced to look at these tasteless, style-free garments? Why are these designers still here?"

"We should have kept the fish girl and the egg boy instead of these catalogue designers. Nina is sickened by the lack of talent. SICKENED."

"I leave you people for a couple of weeks, and this is what you have waiting for me when I come back? Shitty retreads? Why? Why can't I trust you to do the right thing when I'm not here, Heidi? Didn't I leave you extensive instructions? Didn't I tell you what to say?"

"Well, they haven't really done anything too bad. We just figured when you and Michael came back, we could --"

"HA! I'm just fucking with you. Now let's send one of these losers packing. Send the girl home. She's too perky and she gets on my nerves."

Extended Judging:

[Photos: Mike Yarish/ - Videos: - Screencaps:]

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