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Monday, July 23, 2007

She said WHAT?!

"Supermodel HEIDI KLUM is already planning her outfit for this year's (16Sep07) Emmys ceremony - but she won't be choosing a PROJECT RUNWAY winner.

The German beauty's TV design contest is nominated for an award for the third time, but asking contestants to make her a frock for it isn't an option after a red carpet fiasco last year (06).

She says, "I tried that once. The very first time I got nominated, I asked the winner of the first season, Jay McCarroll, to design something. He had all these great ideas, and then designed something that was absolutely not appropriate.

"It was not an evening red carpet thing for the Emmys - it was like an MTV/Halloween costume! I could not have gone that way. At the end of the day, I said no…He got upset."


Y'know, generally speaking, we like Heidi. We think she's really grown into her role as a hostess and she's great at getting attention for the show, but this was just a nasty, stupid thing for her to say.

First off, Jay is probably the last person anyone should turn to for a red carpet dress, talented as he is. It's neither his style or his aesthetic. Granted, he probably should have just turned her down, but when you're a struggling designer and a world famous supermodel asks you for a dress for a highly photographed event, how can you possibly say no?

Second, what kind of hostess (and PRODUCER) trashes the person her OWN SHOW chose as the next great American fashion designer? That doesn't say much about the competition and it doesn't say much about the show itself.

Third, you mean to tell us that in 3 seasons and almost 50 designers, she didn't think ANY of them were worthy of dressing her just because she made one bad choice? Laura? Nick? Kara Saun? Uli? Even Kayne? Any one of them could have given her a gorgeous kickass red carpet dress that would have made her look beautiful and glamorous and would have been fantastic PR for the show.

Besides, she hasn't always made the best choices in terms of her red carpet dresses:

57th Emmy - by Christian Dior

58th Emmy - by Michael Kors

(Photos: Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage)

And just for reference, here's Jay's sketch for the infamous dress:

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