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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The "Help me, Nina!" Winners!

Darlings, can you ever forgive us? We were so swamped with our move that we neglected to announce the winners of the "Help me, Nina!" contest. The truth is, we kept putting it off because we've been so run down, what with the packing and the unpacking and the soothing of shell-shocked cats and we knew that we really had to sit down and focus for the judging that we do so well.

We got a TON of replies and we narrowed them down based on need and/or creativity. We have two runners-up, both falling under the "creativity" banner.

SECOND RUNNER UP is fellow GayBoy, Thom of the utterly divine Fabulon :

"I Need Nina's Little Black Book of Style Because...September 7th is my birthday, and it would be a pleasant change to have something fabulous happen that day instead of the traditional lapsing into a near-suicidal depression that can only be mildy numbed by pills and liquor.


Haha! That Thom! Such a kidder! While it certainly sounds like he has a desperate need there, it was his brevity and directness that won the judges over. Now happy birthday, you old queen and lay off the pills! Look what happened to Judy!

FIRST RUNNER UP just had to be Sewing Siren's entry, which blew all others out of the water for the creativity factor. Clickie to make biggie:

Is that not tres adorable? Are you not all flabbergasted at the talent and style? We were. Unfortunately Siren honey, as good as your entry is, there were two gals out there who expressed a deep NEED for Nina's brand of hard-edged bitchery and we simply couldn't decide on just one of them.


"Boys, I live in the middle of flyover country, where our Macy’s looks like a low-rent JCPenney’s. I have a tiny budget for clothes, and am currently on the job market after staying home with a kid for six years. HELP ME, NINA, HELP ME, PLEASE!

Karla S."

"At 30, I'm still dressing the way I did at 18, which is when grunge was fashion. I can get away with wearing jeans and hiking boots, so I do. I am plotting to leave this two-horse Midwestern town for the bright lights and glamour of… somewhere dressing with style will matter.

Mary Kate"

Ladies, you sound positively desperate! Your books will be on the way just as soon as you email us back with your addresses. Congrats and throw out your shitty clothes immediately!

For our other contestants, we have a lovely parting gift for you: is proud to offer you exclusively the first chapter of Nina Garcia's new book The Little Black Book of Style here.

(Photos: Courtesy of

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