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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stylista: Clueless Bitches

Darlings, we're still reeling from the shock of last night (Michelle Obama's dress), but we're willing to forge onward and put last week's Stylista to bed so we can settle in for tonight's trainwreck.

Coincidence that the shoes are arranged in rainbow flag order? We think not. We smell a gay production assistant with a sense of humor.

Remember darlings, the point to watching this show is not so we can have in-depth discussions about the challenges and creativity of the contestants a la Project Runway. No, the point is to laugh and point at the morons who don't know what a dart is.

Oh, and to make fun of Anne too. Dear GOD, woman. What the hell made you think that a dress that gives you not just a gut, but TWO guts was a good idea? We've never seen a fashion editor in so dire a need of a makeover (not counting Andre Leon Talley, who needs more of an intervention than a makeover).

We actually liked the challenge. It was in line with what a junior editor would be asked to do, it gave us a glimpse of the pretend Elle closet, and it really separated the wheat from the chaff in terms of who deserves to be there and who doesn't.

Unfortunately, apparently almost none of them deserve to be there.

And for all our ragging on her, Anne did get a couple of good zingers in there.

We also liked the second challenge. It gives the viewer the chance to have an opinion (which is a must for reality competitions and one of the reasons we never got into Top Chef) and it is once again something a junior editor would be asked to do.

And say what you will about the judges, we happened to agree with almost everything they had to say. This page had promise. The layout and subject matter were interesting choices but they kind of dropped the ball on the pictures.

Ashlie honey, you've gotta ditch these bitches and get your ass on a winning team, because this:

Sucked. Again, good choices for the page but the layout was horrible. Joe Zee was exactly right when he said it looked more like an advertisement than an editorial. Too busy and confusing.

Team Sad.

It wasn't bad. The concept worked and the layout was decent but not great.

The pictures, on the other hand were HORRIBLE.

And let's face it, screwing up the captions was a major fuckup.

Maybe Dyshaun won't be such a cocky smack-talking bitch after this but somehow, we doubt it.

And while the argument could be made that Dyshaun should have gone home for his screwup, we can't say we disagreed with the judges' choice. Jason was not only responsible for the terrible pictures, but he unfortunately demonstrated that he simply can't handle the atmosphere of working for a major fashion magazine. As tasks go, this was a relatively minor one and for all his bitching, his team mates didn't really treat him all that badly.

Sure, panic attacks are debilitating things, but to us, that means that if you suffer that badly from them, you shouldn't willingly put yourself into high-stress situations.

So, what's up for tonight's slow motion car crash?

Is anyone else starting to doubt the authenticity of William's accent or is it just us?

In other news, Kate can't buy a cupcake without help.

Okay, Goldie's eye makeup is going to drive us crazy.

In other news, we can add Kate to the list of people that Ashlie wants to beat with a stick.

[Screencaps: - Video: YouTube/CWtelevision]

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