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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Jaybird: Always a bridesmaid...

Once again, a Project Runway designer is forced to walk the cold streets of New York, whorin' for models.

What's up with that? Twice in one season, the model just doesn't show up. For all the on-camera drama, was Jay really in any danger of being auf'd because his model didn't show up? How is that fair?

Then again, look at the exotic creature he managed to find. Ladies and Gentlemen, the new face of LancĂ´me.

All joking aside, this was another gorgeous outfit that probably suffered from being a little too close to Kara Saun's concept. And as great a job as Jay did here, Kara Saun's was just better.

Sashay shanté, girl!

Love the giant sports logo-esque version of the USPS logo. Hate the stormtrooper boots.

We would have loved to have seen the pants outside the boots because they look beautifully tailored. Lorenzo thought the fabric was way too disco, though.

He also did a fantastic job on that vest. Although, on a second (third, fourth, fifth, sixth) look, we're not all that crazy about the color of the turtleneck.

No doubt, it's a great-looking outfit and aside from the shitkicker boots, we're not sure what the Duchess saw that was "butch" about it (then again, consider the source - not exactly an expert on "butch"). Somehow, it had less of a uniform vibe than Kara Saun's and looked more like an outfit someone put together for a day out.

These are all minor quibbles, though. In any other circumstances, this would be a clear winner. It just so happened that Kara Saun came up with roughly the same design and managed to hit one out of the park.


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