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Thursday, December 7, 2006

S1/E6: Congratulations, Austin!

Quickie recap: The designers have to design a bathing suit to be worn to a "fashion industry" party. While at the party, they have to "get the attention" of New York Post's Page Six editor, Richard Johnson. You can read Tim's Take on this episode here.

Congrats to Austin! While we think this is a pretty bathing suit, this was, for the most part, a bullshit challenge. Winning it had more to do with how well the designer and model could whore themselves rather than how well the garments were designed. And apparently, there are no 2 bigger whores than Austin and Melissa.

We love how this is what they cut to when Austin was describing his design. Call us crazy, but we're pretty sure that's what the inside of Austin's head looks like all the time.

Strangely, on other people they would stick out like a sore thumb but on Austin they're barely noticeable.

Like we said, it's pretty. It's also well-made and fully realized from a conceptual standpoint (the whole "wind and ocean" thing).

But we call bullshit on the statement that this is a fully functional bathing suit. Sure, if the wearer's only function is to stand and pose. Just don't try and tell us she can do a couple laps in the pool and come out looking like anything but a socialite who got too tipsy near the water's edge.

" So I swathed her in sort of gossamer, and winds, and rain, and the ocean." Really? Cause it kinda looks like you made that out of an old set of sheer curtains.

Oh, we're being too rough on him. It really is pretty. We just weren't crazy about how this challenge played out. Design a bathing suit! Great! But make sure it looks good in a bar! Uh...what?

And call us crazy (again), but we're starting to suspect that the only reason Austin applied to the show was so he could have someone do his hair and makeup for him everyday. He looks like he spent more time in the chair than she did.


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