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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

High School Confidential

"Wendy has cooties! Meet me behind the bleachers after 8th period!"

That about sums up the level of conflict this week.

The drama of FabricGate. You know what? We love Kara Saun but she really needed to get over herself here. Nancy O'Dell walks in wearing an orange top and two of the designers decide to go with an orange dress. End of story. Wendy didn't steal your idea, girl. You both took the easiest route but you decided that you were being original and Wendy wasn't.

Did Wendy deliberately "steal" her fabric? We don't know. It's never shown on camera. But when two people walk into a fabric store and head straight to the orange section, chances are they're both going to be looking at some of the same bolts.

Clearly, we're not fans of Wendy, but for once, we were on her side. The workroom resembled nothing more than a high school cafeteria, with all the kewl kids deciding to ignore dirty girl to see if they could make her cry.

"Wendy steals and she's a bitch. Pass it on."

"Jay, Kara Saun said Wendy feels an itch. Pass it on."

"Wendy peels the rich? What does that mean? Who am I supposed to pass it on to? My dress form?"

"I'm standing right here, you morons."

As we said earlier, Kara Saun's anger with Wendy (which was justified, although not for any fabric-stealing) turned her into the head of the cheerleading squad and threw her off her game. It's nice to be self-confident, but she allowed it to trip her up this week.

We can't help thinking that the whole "helping Jay out" bit was less about helping Jay out and more about saying to Wendy "See? I help my FRIENDS, which you are NOT ONE. If you weren't such a BAD PERSON maybe I would be helping you too but I'm NOT."

"Because then I would have to talk to her and I WON'T because she's awful and she's fat and no one likes her."

Look, it's not like we've suddenly discovered a soft spot for Wendy. She earned her reputation. It's just that the remaining designers strutted around so entitled, so nose-in-the-air that we automatically took her side on this one. Especially since for the most part she conducted herself well in the midst of all that adolescent drama.

Sure, we were appalled that she made it into the final 3, but we have to admit, that backroom tension was hilarious.

"I cannot help it. I really enjoy seeing people squirm who have made my life difficult. Sorry! I was eating it up. I could stay there forever."

That's the part about Wendy that we kindasorta admire. Her defiance. Sure, she's untalented, backstabbing, manipulative, and emotionally unstable, but ...

Okay, we can't come up with an ending to that sentence.


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