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Monday, January 15, 2007

A Trip to EMC2

Y'know, that reunion episode is lame. We'll get back to it tomorrow. Today, we clean out our memory card.

Lemme tell ya something about Emmett: of all the designers we've met, he's the least like his on-camera persona. Funnier, wittier and bitchier in person, he is a total charmer.

A really, really tall charmer.

At any rate, we took a quick trip down to his gorgeous store the other day.

Mr. Hustle himself was running from meeting to meeting and seemed to have a million plates spinning on a million poles, but he managed to grab a cup of coffee with us and dish for a while.

We told him not to keep his banker waiting and we'd keep ourselves entertained by taking pictures of his clothes. We could probably sit here and write bitchy captions to all the photos, but really, the clothes are gorgeous (and beautifully made), so we'll let them speak for themselves:

Now, we ask you, what gigantic gay fashion designer would be complete without a little bitchy dog? Ladies and Gentlemen, Gizmo McCarthy on his widdle satin pillow.

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