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Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Scarfmas!

Darlings, like many of you, our days of late are filled with last minute hall-decking and gay-apparel-donning, so posting between now and the New Year will be light. We could never leave our minions for too long, so don't worry. There will be posting, just not at our normal rate.

As we bite our nails hoping our last Amazon shipment arrives in time and try to decide what we're serving for Christmas dinner and whether or not we have enough paper and ribbon, we just want to take a mo' to say thank you to all y'all for another fabulous year. By way of thanks, we're gonna have another one of them there contests.

When we get swag, especially designer swag, it's usually for the ladies, so the only question is whether to give it to one of our gal pals or have a contest to give it away. When Jay McCarroll sent us one of his scarves this week:

There was a brief power struggle because for once, we both wanted it. But alas, it's very much a woman's scarf so we're passing the fabulous on to you. The pic doesn't do it justice. It's very long and very colorful with a little bit of sparkle in the middle. By the way, you should check out Jay's site. He has got lots of cool new merch.

To win it, all you have to do is...Oh Jesus, we don't know. Do you know how hard it is to come up with contest ideas? If we make it a creative contest, then we're setting ourselves up as judges, and judging is hard, kittens! If we make it random-based, then we feel like we're cheating somehow. Plus, who has time to write a poem or a jingle about a scarf? Although you should feel free to do so in the comments section. That's always fun.

How about this:


Which one of Santa's Reindeer is Gay?

Just tell us which one and why. While it's tempting with names like those, to assume that they all are, let's just go with the assumption that only one of them is. Tell us which one. Best answer wins the scarf. We're leaving Rudolph out. That one's just too easy.

As we said, posting's light this week, but definitely be back here on New Year's Eve when we announce the winner of this contest and then turn right around and offer you MORE swag in our New Year's Contest.

Happy Holidays, Poodles!


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