To be honest, it happened exactly how we knew it was going to happen and it happened pretty much right around the time we figured it would. But we were rooting for him, y'know? He's just so Disney-cute and unaffected and we were hoping for a Kaynebow-style blossoming under the tutelage of some real NY fashion bitches, but alas, it was not to be.
He seemed like a nice enough guy. Certainly, there was no drama centered around him. But his downfall was his nice-guy stubbornness because he was getting the feedback all along and he just wasn't hearing it or applying it.
This is, essentially, the dress we've been waiting for him to make since we first saw his portfolio.
And the funny thing is, we were getting the sense that the judges felt the same way. Like we said after the judges savaged his big leather dress, once they decide you have a taste issue, the clock is ticking.
There was this whole, "Okay, it's about time we addressed the tacky elephant in the room" quality to the judging. In fact, we don't recall a time when the judges were that blunt to a designer regarding their taste issues. Normally, they either dance around it or they euphemize it.
"You basically took a checklist of everything that could turn tacky and combined it into one garment."
Alrighty then! Can't argue with that, Michael.
And there are two points to that critique. It's not just that this dress demonstrated taste issues; it's that it also demonstrated a lack of imagination. A checklist approach to design.
There have been plenty of designers slapped with the "taste issue" label in the history of the show. The memorable ones, like say, Kayne, managed to stay in the game for a good chunk because they could still design and execute the hell out of a dress even if it was a little tacky for the judges' taste.
This was just so...unimaginative. And worse, it demonstrated something else we mentioned after his leather dress: he doesn't have such hot instincts. Because if he had good instincts, he'd have taken one look at those rhinestone straps and said "GOD, no."
So El Frodo the Mexi-Twink is gone. It always happens. We come up with a great nickname and then they go home. It could be argued that there were worse dresses on the runway last night but we think he confirmed to the judges their suspicion that he wasn't going to offer them the surprises they needed to remain interested in him.
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