Poodles, it's a veritable PARADE of frumpy, twisty, unflattering fashion!
"Prior to this challenge, it was all about me, me, me, me, me. But after meeting the ladies, you realize that there are greater things in this world than just winning a challenge."
Oh, PUH-LEEZE, bitch. If we were in charge of this show, we'd make sure to replay that soundbite every time Emilio trash-talks his competitors or acts like he shits ice cream. They had several opportunities to do so in this very episode as Emilio, post-Afterschool Special moment, did some trash-talking about the other garments.
When really, he should have been paying a lot more attention to his own.
We checked. As far as we know, she wasn't pregnant.
Now, she looks to have a perfectly fine body. We're not saying she's fat or there's anything wrong with how she looks physically. But she clearly does not have the body to wear a dress like this. Again, no crime in that, but the whole point to these "real women" challenges is to get the designers to design something for a body that doesn't have the measurements of a wire hanger.
Additionally, for some reason his technical skills went off the rails this week.
Inexplicably sloppy.
His previous two dresses demonstrated a high level of technical proficiency so what exactly went wrong here, with a design that looks to us to be a hell of a lot simpler than his previous work?
Honestly, we sometimes think we're watching Bizarro Project Runway when we hear the judges talk about Jesse's work.
Nina praised this. Stop and reflect on that for a moment.
Seriously, what was she thinking? She'd have raked another designer over the coals for this in previous seasons. We hope she's not toning herself down to avoid the "bitch" label. Nina! Embrace the bitch label! In this world, it means you're smart and have high standards!
So, okay. There's the incredibly frumptastic white jacket with the "Teacher of the Year" craft project corsage...
And then there's this. Or rather, these.
In fact, this neckline was what got Nina to wax rhapsodically. Although she was forced to admit that it wasn't the right neckline for this poor girl. Well Nina, we don't want to tell you how to do one of your jobs, but ISN'T THAT THE WHOLE POINT? To design for THESE girls?
Come ON. She looks like slutty Ethel Mertz!
And when we say "these girls," we mean the ladies, not the tits. Granted, designing for her tits would have been a step in the right direction, but still. We wanted to clear that up.
It was mostly inoffensive from the back. Still frumpy and definitely not flattering, but okay.
We like Maya. We think she's cool and intense and she's got an interesting aesthetic...
But this was another instance where the judges overpraised the piece. She looks like she's standing in front of a really large fan.
And while we realize that there is gold in the Campbell's logo, that gold and red together in one dress is a bit much from a color perspective. Hints of gold would work; a gigantic window treatment from Graceland hanging off her hip doesn't. Also, the way it curls around her boob doesn't look very flattering to us.
Again, not too bad from the back. Maybe they should have just had all the models walk backwards down the runway.
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