Help us out here, minions. Does ANYTHING about this entry make sense to you?
Like previous entries from Boo Boo, the dress starts off nice on the top. We like the frippery around the neck and we like the colors. We like the way the bodice is constructed and she did some nice work on the seaming.
But WTF is going on with that hem?
And WHY TF does the back of the dress look so much worse than the front? Did she think the model wasn't going to walk down the runway and turn around?
And finally, WTF was she even thinking with this concept? It's way too washed out, color-wise, for a cover and because of the shiny fabrics it looks, as the judges pointed out, a little too bridal.
We enjoy her for the entertainment value and she seems like a sweet girl, but she's been floundering every single week. We hate to say it, but it's time for Boo Boo Kitty to go.
"One thing that it's a little disturbing to me and disheartening to me is that after coming in second nobody was really happy for me. Nobody said congratulations. I don't know what's that about."
We're not even going to abbreviate this time: WHAT THE FUCK?
That is the STUPIDEST fucking complaint we have ever heard from anyone on a reality competition EVER. We realize that these people are tired and stressed out and the production people are firing questions at them in order to get a juicy soundbite, but who the hell says something like this? Who expects hugs for making second place FROM THE VERY PEOPLE SHE'S COMPETING AGAINST? THIS ISN'T THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS, LADY.
wE KNEW --sorry -- We knew when she had that second-episode meltdown over her model picking another designer that she was going to be a little nutty, but that just takes the cake. Get over yourself, honey.
Model: Brandise Danesewich
And you won't be getting any hugs or high-fives over this shitty dress, either.
Once again, we're completely befuddled as to the color choices here. When the editor in chief of a fashion magazine tells you what she wants from you in order to get your dress on the cover, PAY ATTENTION. Was Mila still pouting over the lack of HUGZ that she didn't hear the part about color?
And if you're going to be doing color-blocking (we're getting really bored with the color blocking, by the way) it better be damn perfect, especially when it's all so centrally located. Some of those seams look mighty poor to our eyes.
Plus, as Nina pointed out, the pattern basically serves as a roadmap to her funbox. "Here it is, boys! Or at least, here's the general vicinity!"
IF she had chosen more vibrant colors and IF she had executed it perfectly (and IF she hadn't pissed us off with her whining) we might have liked this dress, but to be honest, we kind of hate it.
She managed to put together a look that is both bland AND weird at the same time.
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