We've come to expect hyperbole from Tim, and we're not saying a cover shot is anything to sneeze at, but ... having your look put into production by Banana Republic? Getting Iman to wear your dress on the red carpet? HELLO?
We were standing in line to get inside the tent yesterday and Joanna was standing right in front of us. After a quick introduction, she admitted she was afraid that she was too mean to Anna. Honey, we're here to tell you, after the execrable guest judging of last season, a bitchy British fashion editor is exactly what the doctor ordered.
So congratulations to Miss Sophia.
Model: Kristina Sajko
It's funny. After all this time, we can still have a new and unique viewing experience with this show. Because of the snow and the subsequent complete clusterfuck that mass transit became, we were only able to get a train into NY in the middle of the night. We saw maybe the first ten minutes of the show before the honk of a cab horn came in through our ice-encrusted windows, and the results of the show were relayed to us by reading our minions' commentary in the T Lounge post. We were pleasantly surprised to hear Miss Sophia won and judging by the enthusiastic reception his dress received in our comments section, we couldn't wait to see a picture of it.
Fast forward to 2 am (and believe us, there was no fast forwarding for us, thanks to the ashtray-smelling meth-head sitting in front of us on the train). A sleepy Peter Shelton lets us in, heads back to bed, and we immediately fired up our laptops and headed off to the Lifetime page to eagerly see the dress everyone had raved about. Our reaction? A puzzled "Oh."
We weren't originally bowled over by it, to be honest. It wasn't until we saw the entire show (last night) that we got our heads around it. It is a pretty dress and it is entirely appropriate for a Marie Claire cover. No arguments there.
But we couldn't get over how ... smushed it looks. Like it was poorly packed in a suitcase. We like the design very much, but we were surprised that no one really mentioned that.
There is a lot of interesting detailing here and it's to Anthony's credit that none of it looks like too much or overwhelms the dress. Not to take anything away from his win, but he benefitted from the fact that, for whatever reasons, the rest of the airheads in the competition went off on flights of design fancy that were particularly ill-suited for a cover shot.
But really, it was a deserved win. The color was gorgeous and absolutely appropriate. It looks exactly like something Heidi would wear. And as the judges said, it pretty much screamed "SPRING IS HERE!"
One other thing to note: we like this season's cast, but they're getting to be a little low-key as time goes on. It was truly touching how happy all of them were for Anthony. We can't think of any other designer who got that kind of screaming and clapping reaction for their win. It was adorable and a testament both to how much the cast loves him and how sweet the cast can be. It actually made these two nasty bitches tear up a bit.
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