If we see one more red fucking dress, we're gonna scream.
There. Now that we've gotten that our of our systems, let's get to rippin'.
Oh Boo Boo Kitty, we love you so much. Even though you haven't treated us to nearly as many tears as we'd hoped for, you do add some nice tension every week as we lean forward in our seats and say "This is IT! She's gonna WAIL this time!" And we thank you for that.
Also, the facial expressions. Priceless.
We really support the new regime's tactic of randomly placing dangerous objects like buckets full of water around the work room. We look forward to small fires in the corners and maybe some broken glass and live wires artfully placed around the room. Perhaps for the finale they could open the workroom door and let a tiger loose or something. .
Okay, the dress. We actually really like what she did around the neckline there. Not so much the Campbell's corsage, but those little noodles that provided some movement in an area where there's not usually any movement. Unfortunately, the color of the fabric makes it look like she's got half a box of Kleenex stuffed into her bra.
And it seems to fit her fairly well. There are some issues with the puckering in the seams, but for the most part, it's executed well too. BUT THAT SKIRT, KITTENS. What was she thinking there? It's like the dress starts off okay on the top and the further your eyes go down, the worse it gets, until you hit the bottom where it just goes right off the rails.
Y'know, the Red Dress Ladies were fabulous and fun and all, even inspirational, but we honestly don't get the crying. Granted, we have long established that we are cold-hearted bitches, but heart disease is fairly common and if we burst into tears every time we met someone living with it, we'd never get anything done.
Jay did a really nice job dressing her in a manner that is appropriate for her age and body type. The silhouette and the proportions are all fine.
But this baffles the hell out of us. It looks like the thorax on a bug. We don't understand why he went in that direction and we don't understand how he couldn't see how weird it looked on her.
We'll give her credit for one thing: she's rocking it.
Can we just say that we kind of adore Jonathan? He's the perfect blend of bitchy and sweet. Hey! He's where the gritty meets the pretty! We get it!
We also get what he was going for here. If you follow the line of the dress from the top to the bottom, it's a continuous curve in and out, like a Christmas tree effect. That's thoughtful and interesting. We also have to commend his fabric choice because we are SICK of looking at that cliched Valentine's red.
But there are two major problems here. The fabric looks absolutely tortured...
And that sash is horrible. It looks like what it is: a last-minute add-on put there just to fulfill the dictates of the challenge.
And we're also not supercrazy about the over-worked back (okay, that's 3 things). Like we said, we get where he was going. With some time and without the need to slap a soup logo on it, this could be a real knockout of a gown.
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