Okay, kittens. We're all feeling the S7 love and everything, but if we see one more challenge with the words "signature dress," we're going to scream.
And while we're always happy to see a quote, unquote, "real woman" challenge (because we're guaranteed a fight and the extra comments that come with it), this one seemed, well, a little flat. Call us cold-hearted bitches if you want, we won't argue, but we don't watch Project Runway for inspiring stories about real life women overcoming adversity. We watch it for dresses and backstabbing.
We're sure these are all lovely women and we're impressed by their strength, their ability to make fashion designers cry, and their willingness to wear unflattering dresses in front of millions of bitchy people like us, but...well... we were kind of bored with them. Not one demanding, attention-seeking client in the bunch. People who live with life-threatening or -altering illnesses tend to make shitty reality show participants because they're all "deep" and "centered" and shit. They better make up for it by having pageant moms on next week.
Using the logo SHOULD have been the most interesting and challenging part of the challenge and we were all set for some Hershey's challenge-style creative use of iconic graphic elements, but frankly, it looks like with Ping gone, everyone took a boring pill and decided to play it safe.
Bunim/Murray: This is EXACTLY what happens when you give them too many "make a pretty dress" challenges in a row. All the creative drive gets sucked right out of them. Make a note.
Anyway, congrats to Amy. We thought it was obvious even when she made the soap dish dress that the girl was going to catch the judges' collective eye at some point.
And while we don't want to take too much away from her win, we think she got the win in a week when the offerings from her competitors were pretty damn thin.
It's just an all right dress, frankly. It moves beautifully, but that's about it.
And yeah, okay, it was of some slight interest that she frayed the edges like that.
But we don't think that bust is flattering at all and we don't understand why the judges got moist over that mostly hidden sash with the logo on it. We like Amy a bit more each week and we definitely think she's got something worth watching, but this wasn't the dress to fire up our imagination. Then again, right from the beginning it didn't seem like a challenge that was going to reward innovation, which is why most of the dresses were safe entries and why the safest entry of all won.
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