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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Faux, Fierce, and Foxy

It's funny. Faux "dirty" jeans look hot when they're worn normally, but all that ripped, distressed, and stained denim being used for skirts, tops and dresses this week just doesn't work. We can't help but find ourselves hoping these girls were sprayed down with Febreze before they hit the runway.

Even though the end result isn't quite what it could be, we really liked the idea of Emmett using a pair of jeans to make a shrug. Unlike the other designs, we suspect this one was meant to make you think of the original clothes and see how they've been rethought.

Like his entry last week, the basic design is good, it's the proportions that are off. Everything would work better if it was just a little more tailored. Not that there's anything wrong with a looser fit, but without a little more tucking and pinning, it looks too much like he just put an old shirt and pair of jeans on her without really sewing anything.

The only choice that we really don't like is the blue trim, which adds nothing and is a bit too distracting. We don't think the dress needed the trim at all but we do think the belt should have been in a contrasting fabric. A strip of denim would have worked a lot better there.

We can boil Nick's fashion philosophy down to one word: fierce. In fact, we suspect that's Nick's life philosophy.

"How are you doing, Nick?" "Fierce!"

"How's your steak, Nick?" "Fierce!"

"Excuse me, do you have the time?" "It is a FIERCE ten minutes after three, girl!"

This outfit is indeed, the very definition of "fierce." It's not exactly the most tasteful thing and we doubt the word "demure" is even in his vocabulary, but that's fine. He's working an aesthetic and making clothes that are supposed to get your picture taken; not get you marriage proposals.

And that's how this outfit needs to be judged. It's not tasteful because it's not supposed to be tasteful. It's supposed to be hot, outrageous and yes, fierce. Big props to him for coming up with something truly different.

We're not supercrazy about the asymmetry in the top or the (ohmigod I can't believe I'm about to type this) studded thong straps or the -- what is that thing hanging off her ass anyway? A foxtail? However, it is an eye-catching, sexy, over-the-top design and it's perfectly executed, so even though this is not at all to our tastes we think it was a major contender for the top of the pile.


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