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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Newsboys and Hookers

We go back and forth on this one.

On the one hand, it's got a certain charm and funkiness to it and we're impressed how she managed to spin a top out of a scarf and make a hat out of her jacket. She took her very basic starting outfit and she transformed it into something urban and youthful and different. So, kudos for that.

On the other hand, that top looks a little sloppy to us and we tend to think that turning a pair of jeans into a pair of denim bloomers isn't all that innovative or interesting.

Not to mention that the proportions seem off to us. She looks like a shoplifter with a week's worth of groceries shoved down her pants.

Still, it's a unique look and a strong aesthetic statement.

Dear Project Runway Season 4 contestants (whoever you may be),

A bit of advice: the one mistake that consistently gets designers auf'd is the inability to see the problems in their garment and edit them. If you want to make it to Bryant Park, you better start cultivating that ability right now.


We just don't get this. Presumably she had the model's measurements and should have known very early on that she didn't have enough fabric from the sweater to make an entire dress (although we don't understand why). Even if she didn't have the exact measurements, seeing it on a dress form should have indicated to her that this was suited for a midget hooker and not for any woman over 5 feet.

We can understand not wanting to use the jeans because a quick glance around the workroom would have confirmed that there was going to be a lot of denim sashaying down that runway, but she could have used that metallic belt she wore and made a couple straps, which would have given her more material for the skirt. Editing, darlings. It's absolutely crucial in order to stay in the game.

The back is nice, though.

But aside from that, there just wasn't much that we liked about this outfit.

The weird Frankenstein seams are distracting and the thick trim on the neckline and armholes makes it look like a Star Trek costume.

Another bit of advice: don't stand in front of a bunch of fashion professionals (one of whom is a model) and blame your poor garment on your model's seeming imperfections. It makes you look unprofessional and the judges aren't gonna like it at all.

We will be expanding on these themes in our upcoming book "Cover Your Ass and Cover Your Model's: A Guide to Staying on Project Runway" on sale soon in fine bookstores everywhere! With a Foreword by Wendy Pepper!


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