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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Three More We Liked

Y'know, almost everyone brought their A game this week because there were an unusually high number of good entries.

This is a reversal of the normal Project Runway blogging phenomenon known as recap/rethink. Normally, when we have to rethink a garment it's because we thought it looked good until we took screencaps.

In the case of Emmett's dress, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that it's a lot prettier than we'd realized. Sure, the design is pretty basic, but it's fitted perfectly and that fabric is absolutely gorgeous.

Having been in his store a couple times now, we're not sure we'd say this about the current Emmett aesthetic (which tends to be more classic and tailored), but during the competition he was working a "cute 'n girly" vibe big time. This dress is the definition of both. The only problem is, "cute 'n girly" is not what one thinks of when one thinks of a Hilton sister. Plus, we get the impression that this is not a particularly photographable (shut up, it's a word) dress, which would have to be a requirement for someone like Skanky Hilton.

Now this is a classic recap/rethink. It's still pretty, but looking at the pictures we're not sure why it was considered such a contender. First off, it's way too basic - to the point that it looks like something you could pick up in any chain dress shop in America.

Second, the color is ... kinda tacky. Santino and Nick picked cool, sophisticated blues to set of Skanky's eyes. This? This is more of a prom dress blue. Too bright, too shiny, not very chic.

Third, it wasn't executed all that well. The bust is really poorly fitted and there's puckery going on all over the place, which is somewhat surprising because Chloe had a rep for perfectly executed garments.

Yeah, the braid is nice, but if that's the only good thing you can say about it, then the dress isn't all that great.

Now this, THIS is how you do "basic." This dress is gorgeous and dramatic.

We don't lovelovelove the cut on the skirt. Empire waists tend to make even 90 lb. models look a little bottom heavy, so we question the idea of making the skirt even fuller than it needed to be. Two things save it from looking like a fat dress: the bodice is perfectly fitted and because the top of the dress is so body-conscious (i.e., tight), it gave Kara a little wiggle room to go crazy on the skirt.

Second: girl knows what she's doing because the skirt flows beautifully. We also like the straps on the back. We can understand why this wasn't picked. Like Emmett's, it's probably a little too sophisticated for Skanky and because there's a potential of making her look fat in pictures, it really wouldn't work for her. As a standard party dress for the type of gal that doesn't have to worry about Page Six? Perfect.


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