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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You better cry and cut!

Sometimes - not always, mind you, but sometimes - the manipulated drama on Project Runway really does foster some interesting results. All too often, and probably to the producers' delight, the drama produces nothing more than, well...drama, but this time it worked.

This was a pretty, flowy, simple dress that looked great - and to our eyes, looked the most like a Banana Republic dress.

Despite all the delicious bitchery these two engaged in (or, more likely, because of it), they managed to produce a garment perfect for the challenge and - again, to our eyes - a perfect melding of both their aesthetics.

That bodice looks pure Kara Janx to us - body conscious and flattering at the same time.

The full skirt hitting below the knee, the (ugly) vest, and black and white fabric are more Zulema's thing.

We have to give them both a lot of credit for doing a complete course correction in the middle of the process. Just look at that hideous thing. That doesn't look like either one of them.

"I don't care if you cry and cut, but you're going to cry and cut. You're going to cut at that rate. Do whatever you need to do. You need to work. Don't stop and cry."

For all the talk about what a bitch Zulema is, she was totally in the right here. Yes, the infamous "cry and cut" comment was nasty (and funny), but it was absolutely what needed to be said to get the project done.

There's no doubt that Kara is the better designer (and sew-er) of the two of them, but man does she crumble at crunch-time or what?

No, what was needed at that moment was pure unadulterated bitchery and THAT is what Zulema excels at.

And damn, if it didn't work because Kara pulled it together and the two of them managed to not only complete a great design, but they pulled off a great window to boot.

It's a shame about the vest, which comes close to ruining the outfit. If Kara had been a little more pulled-together, she might have had the cojones to stand up to Zulema at the end of the process and say "You know what? Let's lose the vest. We don't need it." She was probably so grateful to be done with it and so grateful that there were clearly worse garments on the runway, that she didn't care at that point.

We don't know what they managed to do to change course in the middle of the process and produce a good design, but if they had managed to do that from their starting point, they could have easily won it. In a strange way, this is probably one of the best teamups the competition had ever seen.


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