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Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's like rain on your wedding day.

Irony abounds, darlings. The one we wanted sent home from week one kinda grew on us and the one who deserved more wins under her belt couldn't get off our TV screen fast enough last night.

Were they not the cutest team? It seems no matter who Stella is paired with, we want them to get a reality show together.

Dear GOD, kittens.

What are we supposed to say here?

The Duchess nailed it: it's a joke.

When clowns get tumors, is this what they look like?

Variation on a theme: clown farts.

We don't get it at all. Why pair all those candy colors with a flesh-colored aerobics outfit? What was the point to all the leathuh straps, aside from giving Stella something to do?

"Think out of the box, Heidi."

Even though Blayne started out pretty damn annoying, we were kind of fond of him by the end. He's just this clueless kid who seemed to be having quite a bit of fun throughout the competition.

Sure, he played to the cameras too much and he never produced anything that proved to us that he should be there, but we can't hate people who try and bring a little lightheartedness to all the pretension and bitchery. Au Revoir, Blayne de Soleil.

Worst team ever? Quite possibly.

Keith was still in full-on feel-sorry-for-me mode and while we don't blame Terri for having little patience for him, the fact is, she was OUTRAGEOUSLY nasty the whole time. There's fun bitchery and then there's just ridiculosity.

And speaking of ridiculous...

Although, to be fair, we really didn't see this as deserving of the auf. We don't exactly like it, but there were others on that runway that screamed "SEND ME HOME!"

Really, the only thing we hate are those ridiculous sleeves.

They look chip in a chip way, no?

It's kind of ironic, because during the drag challenge, Terri made a decidedly UNdrag garment and now for the avant garde challenge she makes something that would fit right in at the Night of a Thousand Gowns.

Oh, right. We hate the big tails, too.

The rest of it's just okay. Not avant garde, but then again, what was last night?

We kinda wish she'd stuck to the fur idea. It might have bumped this look up a bit. As it is, it just looks kind of tacky and tawdry.

And how DELICIOUS that Xaviera couldn't keep herself from busting out at the Duchess' comments. That is a PR first.

"Voodoo princess in hell." That's about right.

We're not giving Keith a free pass here. He was whiny and annoying but from what we could tell, he started off ready to help Terri. Her over-the-top bitchiness toward him was just ugly to watch and we kind of think since she clearly couldn't keep it off the runway, it played a part in the judges' decision to send her home. Sucks for her, because she did some damn good work during the competition and didn't get enough recognition for it. On the other hand, she was just so damn nasty last night that we couldn't work up a lot of sympathy for her.

Blayne's and Terri's exit interviews:

[Photos: - Screencaps: -Videos:]

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