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Friday, December 18, 2009

LML: Runway Rundown

Butt wait! There's more!
Marilyn & Coco

These two have one of the more irritating relationships on the show, though not the worst by a long shot (guess which team THAT is, bitter kittens!). They're two personalities that are absolutely not suited to each other.

And yet, as a team they have potential because they keep sending out fairly polished, stylish (if a bit over the top), and wearable looks.

It's a bit too much in the Halston/Studio 54 mode to look modern enough to us (although that ... thing on her head can't be helping much).

But we like the color; the proportions are elegant; and we like the little touches like the sash.

But there is no excuse for THAT. She looks like a slutty USO chorus girl.

Merle & Thai

On the other hand, these two seem to have a great relationship. They're definitely on the same page. She knows what she wants to do and he knows how to do it for her.

We can't say we love this because we can't say we love anything that looks like a high end track suit, but at least it has a few things going for it.

It has nice proportions and feels more modern than Marilyn and Coco's. It has a lot of nice touches. It seems like thought was put into every single element: the sleeves, the neckline, the cuffs. You could argue that it's a little over-designed, but we think it's all those elements that prevent it from being a track suit. Unfortunately, it has a decidedly pajamas-esque feel that doesn't help it.

Patrick & Roberto

Worst team ever? You betcha!

There was absolutely no excuse for this. Everyone else had finished looks walking that runway. Roberto never really demonstrated an inability to manage his time before. Quite the opposite; he always managed to work in the time to schedule operatic hissy fits of grand proportions. It makes us wonder if he didn't just deliberately take his own sweet time on this one.

But here's the thing: Patrick's got to shoulder some of the blame here. Yes, he's been sweet so far, but that's the problem. He needs to break out the bitchpants pronto. And we mean the leather, studded bitchpants.

Plus, even if you think he couldn't possibly get a saddle on Roberto, you have to at least admit this:

There is a DEFINITE taste issue at work here.

We're sorry. There's no defending this. In all seriousness, not even a hooker or a stripper would wear this, that's how awful it is. And let's face it, it's been a string of mostly awful with these two so far. There was a promise in the beginning of colorful over-the-top clothes but all we've gotten is colorful messes. We can't honestly say if the judges had good reason to keep this team in for one more week or if the producers just want to keep them in for drama. We don't know the players well enough to speculate. We know this: unless they do something damn impressive next week, they need to go home.

[Photos: Patton - Screencaps:]

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