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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

T Lo Interviews Chris March

A chat with Sissy Bear about all things both Sissy and Bear.

We know a lot has happened since you were on Project Runway. Fill us in on your doings since.

Holy cow! Let's see, I'll give you a list, it'll go quicker...

-Finishing my book, "I Heart Chris March," which comes out this week!

-I have filmed two TV pilots to be the host of my own show (one is a fashion makeover show and one is about me and my crazy workshop), plus, a few other television offers on the table.

-I have done designs for Prince, and made costumes for the lovely Beyonce and her latest tour.

-Working on a line of women's ready-to-wear (hopefully to be sold on TV).

-Blogging about "Project Runway" on, as well as my weekly video "Runway Rundown" on

-The "drag" episode of PR on Season 5, and of course the "Project Runway All-Stars Challenge" earlier this year.

-A cameo in the upcoming film "Bear City" (a spoof of "Sex and the City" with big, hairy gay men!), and I also got an audition for "30 rock".

-Various TV, charity, and publicity appearances, including my favorite--being the costume contest judge at the season 3 premiere of "Mad Men" in Times Square!!

We're exhausted just reading that. You're also getting back into performing, right?
I am doing a one man show in February (13th, 14th and 15th) at the Ars Nova Theater in New York called, "Laughing at my Expense". It's a mix of stand-up, biography, and crazy costumes.

Tell us more about your line of women's clothing.
Well, it is based on some of my past designs (like the PR all-stars stuff) made a little more mass market accessible. I have gotten so many requests for it, I finally decided to do it.

You mentioned how you were a contest judge at the premiere of Mad Men season 3 in Times Square. Joan Holloway: potential drag icon?
I love Joan! I wish I was mother had a red wig that I used to wear in 1966 (I was 3 years old) so I have been channeling her my whole life. Big boobs, big hair, gallons of eyeliner--what's not to love?

So, what really happened with the whole Beyonce and Thierry Mugler lawsuit? We heard so many different versions and opinions that we couldn't make head or tail of it.
I'm not allowed to comment too thoroughly on this issue, but legally speaking, the lawsuit is against Thierry Mugler for non-payment of invoices. Not Beyonce. It is for Beyonce's costumes that I was not paid. You can Google it, and get thousands (literally) of versions of the story...

Let's talk about your costumes, they're really amazing. When did you start designing them?
In kindergarten; I started making costumes for myself to play in, and then for Halloween, and then it just morphed into my profession before I knew it. I have always been creative, and costumes just include all the things I love, including humor and fantasy.

You always find a way to use non-traditional materials in interesting ways, like the geisha girl on your site with the tubing for a wig. How did you receive your training? Did you go to school or are you self-taught?
I went to college, but not for any kind of design degree. I am self-taught, mostly because I could never find anything I wanted off the rack. Plus, nobody could really create the outrageous look I was after, so I just learned to do it myself. I think that has really expanded my horizons--I will make anything out of anything, even if it's "against the rules".

What's your favorite part of a costume? The gown, headpiece, wig...? What's the one piece that makes a costume?
You know I have a fondness (obsession!) with large things on my head, whether it's a wig, headpiece, or the Chrysler building. The one thing that makes the costume? Always--the idea behind it.

Tell us about your book,"I Heart Chris March."
It is a 150 page photo book of the last 25 years of my costume and fashion designs. It is packed with one outrageous photo after another--it was kind of overwhelming to see them all in one place!! It was the best way I could think of to share my world with everyone.

Was it hard to choose what photographs/looks would go in the book? We know you have an insane amount of costumes and photographs.
The hardest part was deciding what to leave out--I will only embarrass myself to a certain extent....

The book has a foreword by Tim Gunn. How did that come about?
Oh, Tim....he is such a special person to me. I have told him many times that he is my guardian angel on earth. All I did was ask, and he wrote the most beautiful, flattering thing you can imagine....the great Harvey Fierstein also wrote an incredible blurb for the back cover.

Where can people buy the book?
You can order it exclusively through my website ( or go directly to this purchase page:

If you want to get the book before Christmas, please order it by December 4th (Friday!). Due to popular request, I am going to do my best to sign all of them....

Still dating the guy who sent you an email right after the show aired?
Yes...I have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world thanks to "Project Runway". He saw me on the show and sent me an email on Valentine's Day--We met and have been together ever since. That's what I meant when I said I had no idea how much love the universe would send my way....

Well, we can’t wait to get our hands on your book. Thank you, Chris!
Thank you, guys.

[Photos: Courtesy of]

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