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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Punky Rooster

It was great to see a slightly different side of Jeffrey last week. "Bad boy" is such a tiresome image, but "punk rock daddy" works just fine.

Plus, we got a chance to see Tim's yenta face. "What a shayna punim!"

Melanie seems like a real sweetheart and we like her Harrison Detroit tat more than Jeffrey's. And so convenient! You can nurse AND teach them to read at the same time!

Nothing says "punk rock" like a Chuck E. Cheese portrait.

No matter what else happens tomorrow, Jeffrey will always be the guy who made Tim drink out of a "Slut" mug. Gotta love him for that.

Oh Tim, you clever boy. You thought you could hide it from us.

Harrison is adorable...

...and he's the spitting image of baby Jeffy.

Seriously, it really was nice to see Jeffrey's tender side. Granted, like all the designers' stories this week, it had a manipulative feel to it, but he's obviously a proud papa and he's clearly doing this for his family. Besides, these "personal history" edits may be manipulative, but no more so than locking someone in a room and telling them to make a gown in 12 hours.

The editors and producers have done their job well. We're in the impossible position of wanting all four of them to win for different reasons. No, really.

At the risk of turning our comments section into yet another "No he didn't!/Yes he did!" festival, we'd like to point your attention to something Nick Verreos said in his recap:

"I was more moved by Jeffrey's incredibly professional workspace and that every garment was hanging in their plastic bags, just as if he had received them back from the sewing contractor the night before. I made a mental note. "

We report, you decide!

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