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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One of these designers slept on a Sealy Posture-pedic last night.

Damn, girl. What happened to you this week?

It's not just that Chloe derailed this week, it's that she was supremely, obliviously confident in the face of a really ugly, poorly made dress - and that's not really like her.

Tim was dead-on in his concerns about giving Grace "a big fat ass," something that's near-impossible to do, yet Chloe pulled it off.

Chloe has a thing for unusually placed seams, but this just isn't working for us. First off, the puckery is off the scale. Secondly, her vagina looks like it's frowning - and no one likes a sad vagina.

Chalk it up to exhaustion, we guess. Every penultimate challenge for all 3 seasons yielded tired, mediocre results. Here's hoping they can figure out a way to circumvent it in Season 4.

Santino, on the other hand, was ENERGIZED! Solid Gold! Filling up my life with music!

He was just happy to be there after last week's scraping-by and pumped up by the intense competitiveness of it all. Plus, he seemed to be trying to take some of the judges' criticism to heart.

Which isn't to say that he effectively managed to tone himself down, but he treated it like a dress that was going on a woman who wanted to look good and that's a start.

When he had it on the dress form, before he started throwing paillettes at it, we were shocked at how classically beautiful and well-executed the basic dress was. Of course, trim is like crack to Santino and once he gets it in his hands, he can't seem to let go of it.

A shame, really. One quarter of the paillettes, placed more artfully, would have turned this into a stunner of a dress. At the very least, Santino deserves credit for bringing his A game at a time when the rest of the little hothouse flowers were placing their wrists dramatically against the foreheads and daintily falling to the floor in front of their dress forms.


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