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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Top Ten PR Looks of All Time

Darlings, we've been talking about doing this for what seems like years and the other day, we found ourselves on the way into New York with nothing to do on the train but bicker, so we chose this as the topic to bicker about.

Joking aside, it was ridiculously easy. We don't know about anybody else, but when we think "Top 10 looks," these were all no-brainers. It took us all of ten minutes to come up with a list. Bear in mind that these are the top ten competition looks. We're not including anything shown by any of the designers in Bryant Park. No, we were looking at the stuff that was thrown together in 2 days on 50 bucks.

This is, of course, highly subjective. If you think we missed one or that we chose one that shouldn't be anywhere near the top 10, let's hear it. After all, the whole point to top 10 lists is to spur conversation. What's in your Top 10?

So without further ado, let's start the countdown.

Number 10

Season 2: Episode 7 - "On Thin Ice"
Designed by Chloe Dao
Model: Grace Kelsey

We'll never understand why Sasha Cohen picked Zulema's toothpaste monstrosity over this. Her whiny complaint was "It looks like a Christmas tree." Shyeah! If Christmas trees were FABULOUS! We though this was a beautiful, unique look, perfectly executed. Going light on the sparkle kept it classy.

Number 9

Season 4: Episode 8 - "En Garde!"
Designed by Jillian Lewis and Victorya Hong
Model: Jacqueline Miranne

Season 4 wasn't exactly known for the exuberant personalities of the designers, nor were the teamups anything but embarassingly tense. However, these two happy-go-lucky gals put aside any rivalry and knocked out a stunningly beautiful, striking coat that was all Dr. Zhivago on the top and Petticoat Junction on the bottom. The pink plaid made a perfect counterpoint to the almost sinister black.

Number 8

Season 3: Episode 7 - "Everyday Woman"
Designed by Uli Herzner
Model: Judy G. (Kayne's mother)

While we were in NY, we of course stopped by Laura's and the conversation drifted to this list. When we got to this look, she was adamant. "Definitely. That one has to be on the list." This was a perfect example of a designer melding her aesthetic to the task and the client at hand. It still has Uli's trademark flowy, Miami Beach feel, but it's appropriate for the client and more importantly, incredibly flattering. Whenever we hear competitors whine over the fact that they have to dress a non-size-2 woman, we think of this look, which proved not only that it can be done, but that it can be done fabulously and stylishly.

What? Did you think we were gonna do all ten at once? Silly kittens.

[Photo: Barbara Nitke/ - Screencaps:]

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