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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ripping the Collections: Kara, Part One

Darlings, now comes the time when we examine the great tragedy of season 2: Kara Janx's decoy collection. Why a tragedy? Because if she'd still been in the game, we're firmly convinced this collection would have garnered her the win. Put bluntly, it blew the other collections out of the water. For whatever reasons, she struggled in the competition but when left on her own she produced a funky, urban, wildly colorful, up-to-the-minute collection that we think would have looked incredible photographed for the pages of Elle - or any other magazine for that matter.

Since photographs never really give you the entire story and one needs to see clothes moving on a body to get a sense of them, watch the video first. We love the walking music!

Let's start the show.

Gorge. This is what we mean by sophisticated colors. She has a color sense that rivals Jay's (and that's a huge compliment coming from us). Compare this to the rather basic pinks that Chloe used.

We've never been big fans of the skirt-over-pants look, but Kara managed to do it in a way that no one else does.

One thing Kara really excels at is fitting a woman's bust. It seems like a minor compliment but considering all of the other collections had fit problems of varying degrees, it's one that should be made. She always manages to highlight and support the girls without looking vulgar. She should do a line of bras. If she can get these two 'mos to stare at racks...

GORGEOUS colors. Love the full, high-waisted skirt, which is very much on trend.

Don't love the tights, but unfortunately, they're also on trend.

We also loved the styling in this collection. The hats weren't a gimmick; they were a through-line that brought the whole collection together and gave it a youthful feel.


We tried to like this one, but it's not working for us. Too much of a fleeing-Chernobyl-with-all-
your-clothes-on-your-back feeling. Sometimes the high-waisted full skirts work and sometimes they don't. And we really don't like the jacket fabric.

Tom's mother had that couch through most of the '80s.

We're not big fans of this kind of look but we're fussy middle-aged queens, so take it with a grain of salt. It's very much on trend, youthful and well-made.

Love the jacket and the shorts and kinda-like the sweater, but you're never going to get us to love the white tights or the orange fingerless gloves.

When it comes to that layered, "urchin" look, we'll take this one over the previous one. We're not too keen on the fullness of the pants (or is she wearing a skirt over them?), but that's about the only criticism we have.

Love the fabric and tailoring for the jacket. The green shirt is an unexpected bit of color and girliness. Kara has a great sense of styling. She can put things together that others either wouldn't think to or wouldn't be able to.

This is Kara's 13th look and it's stunning.Who thinks of putting those two colors together? Yet it works beautifully.

Not much more to say than that.

[Photos: FirstView]

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