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Friday, May 18, 2007

Ripping the Collections: Santino, Part Two

We don't get this one at all. What about this says "old Hollywood glamour" or "boudoir photography?"

Ignoring its thematic incongruity, we just don't like the proportions on this. She's drab, shapeless and practically colorless. Not exactly glamour.

What a Monet of an outfit. At first glance it comes across cute.

Get a little closer, though...

Ai, chihuahua, what is going on there?

The jacket's fine. Cute, even. But that dress. Scratch Monet, that's Cubism in dress form. Nothing on her body is quite where it's supposed to be. She looks like she has scoliosis or hip displacement.

This is pretty, but terribly basic. The colors are beautiful.

The cups are almost cupping, so that's an improvement -- and we like the strip of leather even if it is oddly placed.

Still, the finishing on that skirt doesn't look so hot.

Y'know...this is more of what we expected from Santino. It's waaaay off-theme, but that's not why it stands out. It stands out because it's the most dramatic, interesting look in the collection.

That top is actually quite beautiful and striking. Of course it's paired with absolutely the worst skirt with which you could pair it, but it's the only look that made us sit up in our seats. A shame that his whole collection wasn't more along this line.


We're getting a little tired of saying "pretty, but basic." Although, truth be told, it's not even all that pretty.

Here's something to add to that mantra: "cheap." Sorry, but this looks like something you could pick up in a discount store for under 30 bucks.

It's like her boobs and her dress got in an argument and they're not speaking to each other.

Thank GOD we've moved away from "pretty, but basic!" Now we're in "UGLY, but basic" mode! And look! We can see her boobs! No, right there! Sliding into her armpits!

It's appropriate that this looks like a grandmother's nightgown because it's totally putting us to sleep.

Credit where it's due, this really is a beautiful dress. The pleating is perfection and we even love the flowy layered hems.

Ladies and Gentlemen, MISS STEVIE NICKS!

Of course, the boobs still aren't where they're supposed to be.

Maybe he's got boob issues. Maybe the whole collection was some sort of Freudian ode to his mother. He's never forgiven her for taking the boob away and this collection is an ode to his life-long search for the boob.

Naah. He just can't do fit well.

The judges beat the risk-taking parts out of him over the course of the competition and he responded with a collection that didn't feel like him at all. There were some bits and pieces that showed his creativity, but he seemed restricted by the more moderate view of fashion that the judges unwittingly imposed on him. Kind of a shame. We don't share his aesthetic and we liked very little of what he did during the competition, but we would have enjoyed, and we think he would have been better served by, a collection that was bold and crazy, rather than one that seemed like a deliberate toning down in order to make the judges happy.

[Photos: FirstView]

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