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Friday, October 17, 2008

Ripping the Collections: Kenley, Part 1

Well kittens, we have a lot of ground to cover so let's get started, shall we?

As we said earlier, we didn't respond well to Kenley's collection. Put bluntly: it just ain't our thing. Still, that doesn't make it a bad collection by any means. Putting out what she referred to as a "fantasy," Alice in Wonderland-style collection, she used her signature bold colors well. Every piece was almost flawlessly executed, and she had the balls to send some truly unusual looks down that runway. The styling was kinda meh, though.

Let's start the show.

She started off with a bold, unusual look, so props for that. We think there's a bit too much going on here, though. We can't pin down why exactly, but we hate that wing on her left boob. Since we've started at the top, we might as well work our way down: that belt looks like a cheap afterthought; we don't like the way the skirt gathers right above her tootie; we applaud the hand-painting but it looks a little amateurish, and the stripes on the underside serve only to distract.

Damn, that was harsh.

Not our taste at all, but for what it is, it's well done. Yes, this looks very '80s but it's also on trend for a lot of designers right now. Kenley didn't invent the '80s redux that's going on in fashion right now, nor did she necessarily rip anyone off with this look; it's just her thing.

Tim was wrong about the rope around the neck. It was a nice touch, actually.


Kittens, we don't like this one at all. First off, it's very much a Balenciaga ripoff, secondly we absolutely deplore the way she used the rope here. We like the main fabric, but the crinkled stuff on her hip clashes terribly. Plus we hate the way it crinkles.

It pains us to say this, but this was one of her best looks. Why does it pain us? Because it was also her most plain look. We like wild fashion! Really! We just didn't like Kenley's version of it.

This was actually, for what it is, a decent look. It's been done - a lot - but her version is not bad. We like the bustier very much. File this under "stating the obvious," but that tutu is a bit much, proportion-wise. We get that it should be voluminous, but it's practically swallowing her whole.

More to come, kittens, but please, let's talk about the clothes and not the personality right now. That horse is dead, darlings.

[Photos: Getty Images]

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