"Shopping on Sunday
With Special Guests from Project Runway
Sunday, June 21, 2009
11:00 AM - 3:00 PMDebuting this summer, S.O.S. (Shopping On Sunday), produced jointly by FIPAP and Fund in the Sun Foundation, will give you the chance to combine two cherished obsessions, shopping and working on your tan. With all proceeds supporting LGBT charitable organizations, S.O.S. will feature the most coveted labels from Seventh Avenue, including Calvin Klein, Armani Exchange, Diesel, Prada, Ron Chereskin, and many more. Malan Breton, Emmett McCarthy, and Stella Zotis from Project Runway will present live fashion shows throughout the afternoon under the runway direction of Tom & Lorenzo.
Where else but the Pines can you walk away with a tan, a martini, and a bag full of designer mark-downs after hobnobbing with the fashion elite?
$50 ticket includes VIP preview shopping hour from 11:00 AM to noon. $20 general admission begins at noon."
And now, let's highlight one portion:
"under the runway direction of Tom & Lorenzo."
That's right, bitches! Those silly queens have turned over the power to US and we plan on wielding it! Even better, they've handed over two extra VIP tickets and we're just gonna GIVE them away! We're DRUNK with power!
Now, the event is on Sunday, June 21st on Fire Island (of course), so in order to be eligible, you have to be available and able to travel there on that day. You should probably note that that date is Father's Day, so be prepared to tell Dad to suck it because you have some shopping to do. Here's what you need to do in order to get a VIP pass:
TOMORROW, STARTING AT 11AM, EST, we will be accepting email entries sent to tomandlorenzo@gmail.com. Just send an email with the subject line, "I'm packing my speedos as I type, darlings!" and include your name and mailing address in the email. Do NOT send one before 11 AM, EDT or we will ignore you like the nasty bitches we are and do NOT enter the contest unless you are SURE you can make it to the island on Sunday, June 21st.
Was that enough bolding for you, darlings? The first two entries received after 11 AM EDT will win the passes. If you don't win and you're still interested in going, check out FIPAP's site for all the details on how you can buy a ticket - and check out the list of sponsors and participants. Come on! Emmett, Malan, Stella and US!
[Image: fipap.org]
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