Arrgh! It's the "talk like a pirate episode," matey!

"Amanda is gone. Amanda is gone. I'm happy 'cause Amanda is gone."
Let's file this one under "Irony'll bite you in the ass every time."

Far be it for us to imply that reality shows sometimes stage things to get certain outcomes (never!), but something about this whole photo shoot just rubbed us the wrong way.

It almost seemed specifically designed to take the clear frontrunner of the group, Jonathan, and fuck with his head a little bit.

Because the photographer was clearly hot for him and paying a lot of attention to him, yet none of his solo shots were chosen in the end.

That's a pretty great shot, but can we just say that the styling for this shoot was ULTRA lame? Especially on the guys? Eyeliner and eyepatches? Really?

Admittedly, that's a pretty great shot, though.

As is that one. Branden looks best in profile.

Enh. It's just alright.

And we have no idea why this one was chosen. It's staged well and lit well, but none of them look like they were ready for the picture. Jonathan has his eyes closed and Salome's looking off-camera while the rest of them aren't really giving great face.

And while compositionally speaking, this was a great shot (except for Mountaha's left arm) and the girls are all giving good face, Jesus H. Christ on a stick, Jordan, EAT SOME CHEESECAKE.

We can't help it. Even though he's the weakest among the remaining guys, we're really rooting for him.

"I don't feel like I can compare to anybody. I'm going to try my best on the catwalk. I really deserve to be here."
He's just such a sweet kid who wants to do well.

And he's so honest and wide open with his feelings that it's really endearing.
Okay, makeover time!

It's amazing how touching up your roots can really make your look. We think she looks amazing.

But ohmigod, Jonathan! NO! If the producers really were trying to fuck with his head, mission accomplished. This was a TERRIBLE idea, not to mention a terrible dye job. It looks like it came out of a bottle.
Runway time!

He did a decent job. He took an awful risk with all that fancy footwork and to be honest there were moments where it looked a little clumsy, but overall, he nailed it.

She always nails it. Mountaha may not have a career in print work, but she should have a great chance at a runway career.

That he didn't have to walk worked in his favor because his walk is weak, but his cockiness came back and that was a good thing.

Enh. Just okay.

Really, really bad. She's been fading for weeks now.

He did an amazing job. It was ridiculous that he wound up on the bottom and further evidence that the producers were just fucking with him.

Catherine obviously enjoyed the view.

So congrats to Mountaha! The girl just keeps getting better.

And hasta la vista to Jordan. She's a good model - potentially, a great one - but she just hasn't been bringing it. She's been too wrapped up in her Amanda obsession and too unwilling to break out of her shell a bit. She's been playing it safe for a while, assuming she didn't have to work that hard to beat the other girls, and you can't make that kind of mistake this late in the game.
[Photos: BravoTV.com - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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