The roof is on fire!

Did we call it or what? Last week we noted that the challenges were heading into "Let's fuck with the models" territory and we thought the only thing left to do was to set them on fire. Mission accomplished.

And this guy was just plain creepy. While it's fine to throw something really challenging at the models - and this was a pretty challenging shoot - we thought the whole "You only get ONE FRAME to get it right" bit seemed a little arbitrary, especially since it became clear in the judging that each model had at least several frames available for choosing.

When Jonathan's on, he's really on, but there are times when he reveals that he doesn't always have the best instincts. This was a really poor choice for him to make. It was a boring pose and he's giving TERRIBLE face. Mouth open, eyes at half mast. He looks like he's falling asleep.

And what the hell happened to her? She always had some difficulties with her shoots, but this is almost laughably bad. It's a stupid pose and you can tell from looking at it that it's a pose. There's no movement in it. Also (and this isn't her fault), the styling is horrible.

This one was a little strange. We actually liked the face but the pose was bad. The judges made a big deal out of the fact that Branden didn't listen to the photographer and wound up giving a lot of screaming poses, which they claimed was lame...
Then they awarded the win to Sandhurst.

Don't get us wrong. We totally agree that Sandhurst deserved the win, but the judging on it was so arbitrary. Still, it's a fantastic pose. The face is perhaps a bit much, but it works, especially since, with the top hat and the flames, the picture has a decidedly
Baron Samedi/voodoo priest feel to it.

This part was fun and the models all deserved the break.

Not that they didn't have to work for it. Mountaha's Kors dress looked fabulous on her but we COVET that Hugo Boss tuxedo they dressed Branden in.

It was also a nice break for them to visit the offices of
New York Model Management. It kind of fired them up for the final prize.

And the little pep talk from Holly was a nice touch, even if it was a little stagey and even if it did leave us saying "She hasn't had THAT great a career, y'know."

Still, you can tell they're all stressed out and exhausted, so it was good of the producers to give them a reward and a pep talk. Sometimes, producer manipulation can be a good thing.
Alright, runway time:

Before we start, can we just point out one thing? Bravo peeps, if you're reading this, why can't the lighting on the Fashion Show runway be this good?
Jonathan looked DAMN good. It's good that he got some coaching beforehand because once he tucked in his elbows, his walk was completely transformed from thuggish (which doesn't fit his look at all) to suave (which TOTALLY does).

Her walk was good, but we kinda felt she was at a disadvantage. Why?

Because one of the people deciding her fate was the judgmental poodle who designed the dress and she was inevitably going to come down harder on her than she did the boys. Catharine clearly wasn't judging her walk on the merits, but judging it on whether or not it was what she personally would want to see when someone is wearing one of her designs. That's a valid judgment, but it's not one the guys had to deal with.

Sandhurst is causing some disagreement between us. Lorenzo thinks he's just okay as a model but Tom thinks he's the only one of the remaining four that is consistently showing improvement every week. His walk was solid and smooth. Lorenzo also thinks his look is way too specific for "supermodel" status but Tom thinks that's a little silly because every week he stands in front of one of the world's only male supermodels who is also a slightly older, slightly bulkier version of him.

Here's the thing about Branden: he's probably not going to win the big prize, but out of all of the remaining finalists, he has the most potential. Partially because he's so young and he's got so much time ahead of him (sad to say, but the clock is ticking for Jonathan) and also because he's got such a classic look that will serve him well through a variety of styles and campaigns. He's a cute kid that photographs well and we have no doubt that in 5 years he'll be a classically handsome man that photographs REALLY well.

Which is why we think he made the cut in the end.

That didn't lessen our shock, though. We really never expected that they would send the only remaining girl home. Clearly, she didn't expect it either. We felt really bad for her. Chances are, if she wasn't stuck in a Malandrino creation, the judges would have been a bit easier on her.
And just to give you a glimpse of how surreal things can get Chez T Lo, one of us is typing this post up while the other one is upstairs on the phone with Mountaha, conducting an interview that you'll see some time over the weekend. We do it all for you, bitches!
[Photos: Clay Patrick McBride/BravoTV.com - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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