That's right, bitches! You're not gonna get ANY work done today!
Jessica Biel in Atelier Versace Spring 2009 Couture
We love this dress but we don't really love it on her. This is a mite cruel of us but Jessica, pretty as she is, is kind of ... graceless. She can't really pull off the poise for these more elaborate dresses. If we were her gays, we'd keep her in streamlined looks for occasions like this.Jessica Biel in Atelier Versace Spring 2009 Couture
The dress is pretty fabulous but she's way too young for this Miss Havisham persona she's always trying to pull off.
Jesus Christ, Brooke. Who did your makeup, a mortician?
It's sassy and apropos for the event but we can't really say she's workin' it.
A little on the dull side, no?
Bitch is working the shit outta that frock.
She looks fab. Very '70s Academy Awards from the waist up.
Yow. Someone is looking a little desperate for attention.
You know, we could totally get behind this if it just stopped at the hem of the skirt.
We will both raise a glass in celebration when this '80s prom dress trend dies down.
That dried straw on top of her head looks awful but she's rocking the hell out of that dress.
Kate Hudson and Stella McCartney in Stella McCartney
[Photos: Getty Images/WireImage/Style.com/Versace.com]
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