Darlings, expect to see more posts like this as we merge our two blogs into one mega-blogging extravaganza of fabulous. The merging is slow going and there was much cursing and yelling at blogger last night, so getting all the old T Lo posts over here is going to be a process rather than an event. In the meantime, new posts are going up here, which from now on is our one and only blog, Tom & Lorenzo. The Project Rungay url will stay they same for now, but since we're talking about so much more than just Project Runway, a name change was in order. The Lost posts, Virgins and Vixens and whatever else we feel like writing (Musical Monday next Monday!) about will show up here along with our daily output of reality television and fashion posts. Think of it like a Gay Huffington Post.

And in the spirit of that self-promoting attention whore Arianna Huffington, here's a link to our interview with Millionaire Matchmaker's Patti Stanger for Metrosource Magazine. We chatted with her last month and that girl is not without opinions - especially about the gays.
Some excerpts:
"You’re bluntly honest when you assess people. Do you find that people are more confrontational with you in life because of the way they’ve seen you act on TV?
I thought I was going to get a lot of backlash and people were going to hate me, but I was at the A-List Awards [recently] and all the stars were coming up to me, and they were madly in love with me. They want to see people kick someone’s ass, especially when they make mistakes. They want to see people tell it like it is, and I don’t think anyone’s doing this.
You wrote a book: Become Your Own Matchmaker.
It’s basically eight steps to finding true love. Obviously, for women, it’s about getting the ring, but you know, there are a lot of women over 40 who’ve been married or don’t want to get married. It’s all about finding that love at the end of the day. When we all go to that great place in the sky, the one thing we’ll have is our regrets, and I don’t care who you are: you need love. My job is to bring people together. I learned these techniques from my grandmother and I used them to find my boyfriend, whom I’ve been with for five years. So it works. It definitely works. It’s the tricks of the trade; it cuts all the fat out. It’s basically “add water and bake."
Source: Stranger Bedfellows [Metrosource]
[Photos: Bravo/Peter Tangen]
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