Hit it!

Finally, bitches! A worthy challenge! And unsurprisingly, the results were better than anything seen on the show yet.

Although that had as much to do with the abolishing of teams as it did with the challenge itself. Looking at the results last night, which, as we said, were the best yet, it felt like all of these poor designers finally got to sink their teeth into a burger after a month of salads.

So, Congrats to Reco!
This dress is threatening our marriage. No, seriously. One of us just said to the other "Will you PLEASE get the HELL out of my office?!"
Fashion. It's not for pussies, ladies.

Why is it threatening our marriage? We'll get to that. Anyway, what a great choice of footwear by Reco.
Remember them? Aren't you glad you attended classes at T Lo University?

On the one hand, we're happy to have Reco because his over-the-top personality is helping to make a boring show watchable. On the other hand, he's ridiculously obnoxious and we're waiting for someone to go after him with a pair of scissors. But whatever. Let's talk dress.

It's a perfectly fine dress and it's well-executed with a lot of detail that unfortunately doesn't show up in the candle-lit Bravo studio. We're both in full agreement that another look should have won, but we part ways (loudly) on whether or not this was a suitable second choice.

What sticks in Lorenzo's craw is the revelation that apparently 90% of the audience called this look "fashion forward." That's a bit ridiculous. You could have seen this exact silhouette on the runways several seasons ago - Balenciaga, most notably.

The argument between us boils down to this:
Lorenzo: This is a fucking JOKE! There is NOTHING revolutionary about this design!!!
Tom: So what? It's a cute dress and you can see that he did a lot of work. I don't recall ever hearing anything in the challenge brief about the design needing to be revolutionary.
Lorenzo: !!
Tom: !!!!
!!!!!!!!!And so on.

What probably sent him over the top toward the win was this little cherry on the sundae. It was a brilliant little touch that perfectly tied the look into the shoes.

They're underpants, Andrew. No need to ponder them.

When it came down to the bottom two, we really hoped the judges would make the right decision and for once, they did. This was dull, dull, dull.

And it was kind of appalling how he matched the dress perfectly to the shoes, color-wise. Come on, Andrew. Matchy-match is a no-no. Then again, he wasn't the only designer who made that mistake.

And Anna? Check yourself, girl.

You did not invent horizontal pleating.



See? We can't even form words! So dull is this dress that we are overcome with ennui.

Yes, the judges definitely made the right choice. This just looked like a basic department store dress. We realize that salability is a factor in the decisions of the judges but this looks less like a dress that women want to buy and more like a dress some women might haul to the dressing room to try on because it's on sale and she has a bag or a pair of shoes at home that might go with it.

There's one other bit of judging we take issue with and this time it was (surprisingly) Fern who said it:
"There's got be something, some color. We're in a season of color."
Oh, and there was also one OTHER bit of drama with the judging...

But we'll get to that little snitfest in another post, bitches. Trust.
[Photos: BravoTV.com - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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