Let's get crackin' bitches!

Was it the nickname? If so, we're sorry, Strawberry Shortcake!
On the one hand, we say you shouldn't sign up for a show like this if you can't take the heat. On the other hand, Mizrahi telling her she should get out of the business altogether was such a ridiculously over-the-top thing to say we kinda don't blame her. Still, we were sorry to see her go, especially because we can't run that joke into the ground like we planned.

"No look is complete without the hair. In fact my hair has become sort of my trademark look."
HAHAHAHAHA!! The delusions of some of these people just slay us. As if she invented the "dried straw" look! As if anybody couldn't get the exact same effect from a 99-cent bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

Although we did like her outfit. Seems like the designers made the classic mistake of taking in her look and then replicating it. A lot of them did that Balenciaga-esque architectural skirt thing - or tried to, anyway.
Anyway, Congratulations, Daniella!

She got her revenge on El Pollo Loco by coming back strong this week and we have to say, it's a
pretty great design.

It's certainly not for everyone (and truth be told, although it looks like something she'd wear, Tinsley's too old for the look), but it's kinda sassy, kinda fresh.

It's very hard to do hot pants and not make them look cheap, but she did well here.

What brings it up is the sheer jacket, which could not have been all that easy to execute.

The only part we don't particularly like is the big floppy bow, but that's only a minor complaint.

And a sayonara to Laura, who may have been the loser this week, but she sure was a winner in the delusional sweepstakes!

It's horrible. There's no nice way to say it. It's poorly executed and badly designed.

First off, who wears a cocktail dress to a rock concert? The bust is the only thing that was okay from a design perspective. And it was JUST okay.

The red tulle was ugly and it looked cheap.

And come on, every single one of her team mates told her not to use it and she turned around later and pretended like she didn't remember them saying that. Delusional.

It seems pretty clear that team challenges are going to be common on this show and these bitches have absolutely no concept of how to work on a team.
Nothing tops this, though:

How could she possibly think that was a good idea? Did she not ever take a step back and look at what she was doing? To be honest, Haven bears some of the blame here. This was such a bad idea that she should have stepped in and said "Absolutely not."

"That tulle overrides the beauty of it because what's good about it still is the shaping and the sophistication in the body."
[Photos: BravoTV.com - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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