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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Challenging Situation

It's pretend time, minions!

Darlings, when it comes to this blog and Project Runway, the phrase, "You be the judge" pretty much sums up our approach. But let's switch that up and instead, for just one post, let the guiding idea be, "You be the PRODUCER."

See, we've all been bitching and moaning this season about what we don't like under the new regime. To be fair to the new regime, we all bitch and moan EVERY SEASON, but still. The majority of our complaints (aside from the fact that it's in L.A. and Nina and the Duchess have gone missing) center around what we would consider poor challenges. Too many "make a pretty dress" challenges for our tastes.

Now, we think it's a tad obnoxious when online fans presume that because they have an opinion and the ability to state it, that means the powers that be are required to listen to it, but let's face it: it's been proven time and again that the powers that be behind Project Runway do actually read this little blog every once in a while.

So, with that in mind, here's what we're all asking you to think about:

If you were a producer on Project Runway, what sort of challenges for the designers would you come up with?

We spew enough opinions on here, so we're leaving the floor open to y'all. But we're going to throw one more thing out for discussion. Tell us if you agree with this: We would be perfectly fine to see some old challenges recycled for future episodes. In fact, we think it might be fun if an entire season was made up of challenges that have been done before. Sort of a "greatest hits." They could have fun with it by adding a twist to throw off the designers. Take all the designers down to Gristedes and then tell them that they have to make an outfit from the clothes off their backs, that sort of thing. So, that's the second assignment:

Tell us if you would like to see old challenges recycled and if so, which ones? And how would you put a fresh spin on them?

Minions, GO!

[Photos: Mike Yarish/]

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