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Friday, October 30, 2009



Let's do a quick rundown of things to run down, okay? Okay!

Kind of an okay challenge, right? Almost but sort of!

Heidi! Wearing the crazy-and-also-ugly!

Uncle Nick!

Entirely too self-important guest judge who keeps interrupting Nina and should probably be shot for that!

Elly Mae! Winner!

Wait. Winner?

Well, let's face it. The pickings were mighty slim last night. It would have been more interesting if they had to make a companion piece for a losing look rather than a winning one. As it was, the challenge was basically "Remember that time you won? Do that!"

At least we got some fun drama as the girls unsheathed their claws last night and in the end wound up turning on each other on the runway. Elly Mae, don't pair up with a girl like Irina because in the end she's going to turn on you too. Didn't you know that Irina invented sweaters? Come on now.

Model: Tanisha Harper

We thought the judging last night was total crack-is-whack, but in the light of day, we have to say that this probably was the right choice for the win. Maybe.

Almost all of the looks fell into two categories: butt fucking ugly or kinda nice, but a little plain. This was at least a little stylish and based on previous work of hers, it was very much Althea's personal aesthetic at play.

The main problem here is the same problem Althea always has: execution. We realize that this isn't a sewing competition but it kind of grates on our nerves that the judges NEVER mention it. And Heidi's always the judge that points out boob issues with the designs and yet she never seems to notice when Tanisha's are bouncing all over the runway.

But enough of that. Let's talk pants. Tom is finding it quite hard to get on board with those pants, but Lorenzo really likes them.

We're both in agreement that they are pretty on trend right now and that's why the judges love them. You're seeing a lot of that sort of thing on the runways at the moment.

The top is just basic with some minor interest in the straps. We question why anyone would wear a skimpy tank top under a gigantic sweater, but it's fashion, darlings.

Attention must be paid to Tanisha, who has distinguished herself as the fiercest walker of the season. She can sell the hell out of clown pants.

Attention must also be paid to the fact that she was one of the few designers who really did fulfill the dictates of the challenge. Like it or not, these do look like companion pieces from the same collection.

And we have to admit, that's a pretty fabulous sweater.

Hey, guess what? In writing this post we totally convinced ourselves that this was TOTALLY the right choice for the win! So, congrats Elly Mae!

Extended Judging:

Tim Gunn's Workroom Critique:

[Photos: Mike Yarish/ - Videos: - Screencaps:]

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