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Monday, October 12, 2009

Girls on Top

"Age-appropriate" is a nice way of saying "dowdy."

How priceless is that facial expression? This is the face of a designer in the throes of her worst nightmare: synthetic fabrics and Cher references.

Still, even we had to admit that her solution was a good one.

And we always say with these types of challenges that the designer has to be willing to put her foot down when the demands are too far outside her comfort zone, so she gets a ton of points for that. She's one of the few in the history of the show who managed to assert herself and she may be the only one who managed to do it without being a jerk about it.

Still, we think this look was a bit over-praised by the judges.

Yes, she came up with a smart solution, but did she really transform the dress? Aside from the stitching and the belt, all she did was shorten the hem and change the straps.

And even those minor changes had problems. The hem was uneven and the line of the skirt was bordering on unflattering.

And the straps got a little wonky in the back.

Still, we have to admit it was a pretty good job, all things considered. The stitching really was a brilliant solution.

But let's face it: it was a solution to a problem partially of her own making. She needed to jazz up the dress somehow because without the stitching it would have been more obvious that she hardly changed the dress at all.

"Irina, how did you get this gorgeous color?"

"Thank you, Tim. I'm afraid I was born with it. Oh, I make sure to use a good bronzer and weekly trips to the tanning salon help, but it's all just good genes."

We'll still say it: thank God for bitchy girls who think their shit don't stink. Otherwise the show would be deadly dull.

But again, we think this dress was over praised. Yes, that color really is gorgeous, but that's about the only thing we like about this dress.

Oh, it's well-made, certainly. No problems there.

And while we personally don't like lace dresses, there's no denying that they're back on the runways lately.

But even though it fits well and is on trend, it still comes off as a somewhat dowdy dress.

It's those sleeves, kittens. We just can't get past them.

They make her boobs look like they're melting.

She's an attractive woman with a great figure and those sleeves tend to scream "coverup" to us. We think that's why the judges called it "age-appropriate." Sure, it would be a good option for an older woman who needed some fashion magic to camouflage her figure flaws, but as far as we can tell, this gal didn't have any figure flaws. Irina could have gone with a bolder cut than this and come out with something a little sexier. Instead she went from bride to mother of the bride.

Extended Judging:

And what the hell, Half Breed:

[Photos: Mike Yarish/
- Videos: - Screencaps:]

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