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Monday, August 18, 2008

Blayne De Soleil and Judy Noodles

There were some mighty bizarre matchups this episode. Jerrell/Stella, Terri/Suede and these two. Unfortunately, Blayne and Leanne didn't really get a lot of air time, which is a shame because we're really curious about how they worked together.

One thing's for sure...

It weren't no match made in heaven.

We want to say this was an almost-but-not-quite, but really that's being far too kind.

To be honest, we're not sure why Brooke picked this design at all. Sure, you CAN do formal shorts - they're certainly in right now - but there was no indication from the pitch that Blayne was going to be able to do them well.

It looks like the design was edited slightly. If we're looking at that right, it looks like the vest was originally going to be much more prominent.

As it is, you can barely tell there's a vest at all. Oh, kittens. There's just so much wrong here we don't know where to start.

Let's start with color. This is actually a fairly nice combination of colors but they don't look formal. They're right out of the H & M playbook. In fact, the whole outfit looks like H & M. That's not a knock against H & M (we certainly aren't too proud to pick up items there every now and then), but like real H & M clothes, these look disposable. Like she'll get maybe two or three wears out of them before they start falling apart.

Everything looks cheap and way, WAY too casual for the brief. This is supposed to be a costume for a high-powered executive character and it looks more like something one of Blayne's friends would wear. There's a real problem this season with designers not tailoring their aesthetic to the challenge at hand - which is why Stella's becoming such a standout.

One nice thing we can say: we actually really like Leanne's design for the top. We hate the button-down shirt that went over it, though.

Maybe - MAYBE - if they'd made a jacket to go over this it would have looked more professional and more adult, but the undone shirt with the rolled-up sleeves was a disastrous decision and immediately brought it down to a "running errands" outfit.

And what the hell is up with the accessories? Tim told them to dress the look up a bit and they just threw any jewelry they could find at the model.

And the VEST - my GOD, that's hideous.

But this is all just prelude to the true disaster...

Those shorts are unbelievably bad. As we said, you CAN do formal shorts, but these don't look formal at all. The fabric and the color are way too casual. AND 43-YEAR OLD EXECUTIVES DO NOT GO AROUND BARING THEIR BELLIES! You'd think that would go without saying, but apparently some of the designers should have been told this.

And the FIT! Poodles, we have to sit down for a second.

It's not just that they're tight - which is of course a huge mistake for this outfit, but they ride so low and make her entire lower half look weird. Too tight across the waist and then weirdly too big in the butt and the crotch - yeah, that's always flattering.

And then they cuffed them, which makes us want to hand out some slaps. Have either of these two ever actually been in an office? Horrible.

From a basic design POV - as long as we ignore that vest - it's not terrible, but considering the dictates of the challenge, it's a huge fail. Too casual, too young and there's absolutely no transition from day to night.

Still, despite the rather immature design, we really have to give little Blayne here a lot of credit for stepping up. There was absolutely no hesitation on his part to take the blame for this trainwreck. Sure, he can be annoying and yes, he hasn't done a thing to prove his worth yet, but that was a standup thing to do and we can at least applaud him for that.

More detailed pictures:

[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravo - Screencaps:]
[Additional pictures: Courtesy of]

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