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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Seeya, Kelli!

Aw, we're really gonna miss her.

She's utterly adorable and we thought it was really sweet how torn up she was over having to pick between Stella and Daniel.

But probably not as torn up as she was when she realized what a pain in the ass he is.

Oh, kittens. There was some fighting in the T Lo Home Theater last night over this one. You see, Tom took the almost-certain-to-be-unpopular position that the judges made the right choice last night.

Let's break this one down.


Actually, it's a little hard to break this down. The whole look is tacky and unattractive.

And for some reason, she completely re-thought the design. You pitch one look to a client and then make something very different, you're just asking for trouble.

It's one thing to rethink a dress into separates, but belly-baring separates? On a 43-year-old?

Here's the thing with animal prints: you can do them, but you have to be very careful how you do them so the look still retains a certain taste level.

Making that bizarre, lingerie-esque top out of leopard print would be a prime example of not utilizing the print in a tasteful manner. The Duchess nailed it once again: "Slutty, slutty, slutty."

And not just slutty, but obviously not something that Brooke or her character would wear.

It wasn't just the leopard print that was problematic either. All of those fabrics have a cheap, flimsy look to them.

And to top it off, the whole thing wasn't particularly well made.

So of course, Tom and Lorenzo fought well into the dawn over the auf'ing. Lorenzo thought Blayne should have gone home and Tom thought Kelli should have. It was literally only minutes before posting this that Tom won the argument with this point:

Which is the bigger fashion faux pas, to show up somewhere in an outfit that's too casual for the setting or to show up in an outfit that's tacky and cheap-looking?

Don't get us wrong, Blayne's outfit had a lot of problems and we'll get to them, but making something that looks cheap and lacks taste is a big no-no when you're standing in front of Nina. Although to be perfectly honest, we didn't think the auf'ing should have been a choice between Kelli and Blayne.

It should have been a choice between Kelli and Daniel.

First off, his attitude during the entire process was appalling. He claimed not to care about the outfit and once again claimed that he was above doing this kind of garment.

Second, we can understand to a point when designers have time management issues, but he couldn't even complete a fucking pencil skirt correctly? Come ON.

And third, it might have been a bit impolitic for Kelli to come right out and say it, but every one of Daniel's entries have been problematic, while she at least managed to win one of the challenges. We think Kelli had a lot more to offer if she'd stayed while we're just waiting for the inevitable auf'ing of Daniel.

Then again, our good will toward her kind of dried up when we read this on Bravo:

Why did you pick Daniel? How was your collaboration? If you had the pick of anyone, who would you have chosen?

I tried to choose someone that I thought could execute the look that was pitched. It wasn't mindblowing construction work by any means, but I was afraid that if I picked Stella, I would have to possibly send her down the river if I was in the bottom. I should have picked Stella ... less drama, more appreciation. Daniel was pissed from the start because he was picked second to last. "F" him. Other people obviously noticed his insecurity. If I could have chosen anyone from the beginning??? I would have picked Leanne, Stella, or Jerrell.

What happened with the skirt in the end? Were you happy with the final product after Daniel redid it?

When I first the saw the skirt I was like, "Oh, so you are completely giving up? Or is this how you work and that is why your garments are never finished?" I was trying to be nice, but I was pissed man ... to say the least. I felt as if I was going to have to do the entire thing alone, so I had to speed up my pace! In the end it came together, but it took ALL DAY for a pencil skirt. The initial one didn't work because HE chose poor fabrics that didn't hold up. Sorry Mr. Impeccable taste, but just because you look the part, doesn't mean that you can do it.

The judges' comments questioned your taste level -- what is your response to that?

Simple. Our taste levels are different. Mine is on the wavelength of appreciating fashion, but also realizing that the majority of it comes from people like me. My generation is much different than the 50-year-olds judging me, particularly the different subcultures. You might think that you know what the kids are wearing, but you don't. You know what rich kids are wearing, and honey, we aren't all going to the Oscars. So the slam on taste was a joke. Nice try man. We didn't all come from money and weren't able to use that "in" to make us somebody.

Were you surprised by the judges' comments?

Was it wrong and out of line? Yes. Was I surprised? No. You could see it on their faces. They didn't care what I said to defend myself; their minds were made up. Never in the bottom, won the first challenge, but NO!!!! "You are no good now, off with your head!"

Not that we disagree with her points on Daniel, but all that bullshit about "50-year-olds" judging her is ridiculous. Honey, you weren't making a dress for a 23-year-old, you were making a dress for a 43-year-old. And while youth plays a huge part in the fashion industry, the major movers and shakers aren't in her age group. We'd love to see her stand in front of Anna Wintour and tell her she's too old to understand fashion.

Her exit interview:

[Photos: Barbara Nitke/Bravo - Videos: - Screencaps:]

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