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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Congratulations, Keith!

Man, was that some out-of-left-field judging last night or what? We were surprised by both the winner AND the loser.

Not that there's anything wrong with this look (okay, maybe a couple things). But we'll get to that in a minute.

How about our Miss Brooke? She was a much better judge than we would have assumed and she was very sweet to the designers. Although can we please retire the term "fashion icon?" It's become as overused as "diva" or "supermodel."

We have to give kudos to Keith for reining in Veronica Lodge here. Clearly, she's a handful and a highly opinionated one to boot, but Keith quietly got everything he wanted.

He didn't have to sacrifice a bit of his vision, no matter how much Kenley tried to interfere. What appears in that sketch is exactly what walked down that runway and we thought Kenley's hands were gonna be all over that thing, but somehow he brushed off her attempts to make it about her.

We admit, we haven't seen 30 seconds of this Lipstick Jungle show. We had to do some googling to see what the style was for Brooke's character:

It's that standard, network television version of "stylish." Which is to say, "non-threatening and simple." Which, at first, kind of makes the judges' choice a little unusual to us. Keith's frock has more look to it than any of these. According to the costume designer for the show, they were "inspired by old Hollywood, the whole glamorous world." Yeah, that sounds like a revolutionary idea.

Our first thought upon seeing this was that it was an "almost, but not quite." We thought it had some things going for it, but it missed the mark slightly. The more we looked at it, though, the more we started to like it and by the time we got to the end of this post, we decided it was the right choice.

Although we question the idea that this is a suitable "day to night" look. That's an awful lot of look for the office.

Sure, that little trick with the sleeves was cute, but we can't really say it made for all that much of a transition. We liked the sleeves better undone, by the way.

There's just something a little weird about them when they're tied up for their "day" look.

Although we will say that we absolutely love that print. There were a LOT of questionable fabric choices last night, which, come to think of it, seems to be a bit of a recurring issue with the designers this season. When Keith picked this, we perked right up in our seats and we both said we couldn't wait to see what he was going to do with it.

Speaking of questionable fabrics:

Y'know, we'd almost believe she chose that godawful print to sabotage the design, but then we remembered her Miami pillowcase of a dress. We think it's safe to say that Kenley doesn't have the taste level that she thinks she has.

We guess it's that skirt we have an issue with. It's just so much...skirt.In fact, when we watched the show a second time, we were shocked to see that it was only knee-length. We remembered it as floor-length, but that's probably because it's something of an overwhelming skirt.

Maybe the skirt would have worked better for us if that belt wasn't so high and didn't look so painful. It IS a very pretty look, though. We just can't see a woman sitting behind her desk all day in that thing.

Still.... we can't deny that it's a striking look and well executed. We originally would have given the win to Jerrell (and how strange is it to type THAT after last week), but we can kinda sorta see where the judges were coming from. After all, it's not REALLY going to be worn to the office. It's going to be worn by an actress on a television show and on that level, it works. More to the point, it looks like Brooke Shields. In fact, it was the most Brooke Shields-y thing on the runway last night.


Let's talk about THIS one for a second.

We think Kenley is talented and we think she's on the short list for Bryant Park, but that bitch needs to get the hell over herself.

Give us a straight-up bitch like a Wendy Pepper or Victorya Hong. We can at least respect them when they put it all out there. Kenley's got that whole passive-aggressive schtick down and we have to say we really hope it bites her in the ass at some point this season.

She's damn lucky she got paired up with polite little Mormon boy, because if Terri or Korto had to deal with her, there would have been only a bloody smear and a flower on the workroom floor to remember her by. In fact, she's the kind of girl that other girls hate on sight.

And this:

So unbelievably wrong that it's a little jaw-dropping.

We have a feeling that the only reason Daniel wasn't auf'd last night is so they can orchestrate some sort of confrontation over this. Daniel didn't exactly cover himself with glory last night, but we don't blame him one bit if he rips that damn flower out of her hair and shoves it in her mouth.

[Photos: Barbara Nitke/Bravo/ - Screencaps:]

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