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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mommies and Babies

Darlings, we're usually of the opinion that children are best when they're served over a bed of rice, but damn, if those little ragamuffins last night weren't ten different kinds of adorable.

Clearly, this one's going to grow up and become a fruitfly.

Congrats, Lady Bird! We thought trying to style a 6-year-old like a 62-year-old had the potential to be a recipe for disaster, but he really pulled it off. She looks cute and she looks her age.

And kudos to Daniel for being so good with her, although really, is that any surprise?

Now THAT is one pissed off wigstand. Obviously she didn't get the memo about never letting your anger over your haircut show on your face. Or maybe there's some sort of law that prevents them from drugging children the way they so obviously drug the other wigstands.

"My mommy's a lawyer and when I get home, she's gonna sue your ass into next year for this shit haircut."

You know, this show has taught us a lot about hair stylists. We kind of assumed they were bitchy, but who knew they went home every night and got drunk? Why can't fashion designers be like that?

These people just ain't right. And Charlie! Why didn't you tell us you had such a fantastic set of stems?

How fun to see all the family members and, unlike the similarly themed challenge from S3 of PR, there really wasn't any drama. But, holy shit...

Were some of these stylists grown in a petri dish or something? There's "family resemblance" and then there's cloning.

She's a very attractive woman (which isn't surprising) but if they weren't photographed together, we'd swear she was Daniel in drag.

But we have a feeling that Thanksgiving around the Lady Bird family table is going to be mighty cold this year. We can't imagine going on national television and pointing out our mothers' physical shortcomings.

Anyway, congrats, Charlie!

Although we have to say, we don't absolutely love it. We think it helped him enormously that he had an attractive wigstand with a lot of personality. Don't get us wrong, the color is a huge improvement...

But that "bullet head" shape is just weird. And granted, we're not stylists, but if you're going to do such a short cut on your client, wouldn't you check to see if the shape of her head or the size of her ears warrant it?


That really sucks that Paulo went home but we honestly can't say we disagree - although we have OPINIONS about that horrid cut Nicole gave poor Dee's mom.

It's just a little TOO chunky, y'know? She looked like someone rubbed a balloon on her head.

But as much as we enjoyed Paulo on the show, we can't deny that he was disappointing the judges over and over again. It was just time for him to go. Still, his farewell speech was adorable. We're definitely going to miss him.

Don't worry, poodles! We'll have much more to say in another post.


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