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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blonde, Non-Blonde, Blonde

Crazy boobs!

Carol Hannah:
"I surprise people a lot. I'm blonde, I'm from the south; people don't think I'm smart and...stuff"

Alrighty then! Let's give it up for the ambassador for smart blonde girls from the south, y'all! Look out, Britney!

Model: Kojii Helnwein

Credit where it's due: we really don't like this dress at all but we were a bit surprised at its unconventionality. From our pre-judging of Carol Hannah, we kind of assumed she'd turn out very basic, conventional dresses.

Kudos to her for trying out that boob treatment, but we can't say we like it. It looks a bit like her bra exploded. And all the rest of that foofaraw makes it look like she's got her dress on inside-out.

The skirt has an interesting drape to it but there's a bit too much skirt there. The proportions look off. And once again, this look could have benefited greatly from some color.

And we hate the way it cups her butt like that.

Sorry, Dr. Whitfield. We applaud your risk-taking but in the end, it's not a very pretty dress.


Model: Lisa Blades

We didn't like this dress at first, but the more we look at it, the more it appeals to us. In fact, the only part of this dress that we really don't like is the hem. If this had been more of a conventional hem, it would have a)flowed beautifully, and b) been more flattering.

That harlequin effect she was going for didn't quite come off because there wasn't enough contrast between the two fabrics, but it could have looked pretty cool if there was.

The shoulder treatment was perhaps a bit much, but since the only other bit of visual interest was the contrasting fabrics and they didn't work out so well, it's probably a good thing she went with it. It has a bit of a '40s starlet feel to it.

So, good entry Louise. Now work on your poker face and close your mouth.


Man, they really went for the straight-guy demographic in the casting this year, didn't they? Not that we're suggesting all these hot girls weren't cast for their talent, but there's definitely a "Real World" aesthetic going on since Bunim-Murray took over. Thankfully, they threw us a bone (pun intended, bitches!) by casting a bunch of cute guys too.

Model: Tanish Harper

This is a "could've been." Could've been really cute, except for a couple things.

It's a pretty color. It says something about the lack of color in all the middle entries that such a pale hue like this stands out for us. Still, it's soft and cool and a little sophisticated. The treatment on the bust could've been nice, but it looks a little half-assed to us. Like some sort of crafts project utilizing tissue paper.

But what really took it out of contention was all the visual puckering going on. Don't use hard-to-use fabrics unless you can pull it off, girls!

On the other hand, the skirt is nice and flows beautifully.

Isn't it weird how often we've typed that exact sentence this week? Okay everyone! You've all determined that you can do skirts! Good job! Now move on!

Tim Gunn's Workroom Critique:

[Photos: Mike Yarish/ - Videos: - Screencaps:]

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