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Friday, August 21, 2009


We hope you bitches got a good night's sleep, because we sure as hell didn't!

Kittens, there is just SO much to discuss! We've been up half the night doing our little bloggy things but how can we complain? Lifetime served up 3 1/2 hours of PR goodness last night! We NEVER spend that much time in front of our TV.

We were right, weren't we? Despite some minor tonal shifts, the show is as it always was. In some ways even better. Or at least, better than the last couple of seasons. It's a great group of designers and there's a real energy to the whole thing, is there not?

Granted, we first caught the episode via a screener sans commercial interruptions and rewatching the show last night with all those commercials mentioning fibromyalgia and irritable bladder syndrome was a bit of a culture shock. We don't think we've ever seen so many ads for upcoming romantic comedies in one sitting. That was a bit too much Sandra Bullock and Jennifer Aniston for our stomachs.

Sure, it wasn't the most original challenge in the world. If anything, it was way too expected. But in a way, we're glad they got this one out of the way so early. Besides, a Gristedes challenge is fun (and we hope to see something similar in the coming weeks), but a red carpet challenge is a good basic tool to show the viewers what each designer is capable of. Here's 200 bucks. Make a pretty dress and show us what you've got. It's as basic as PR gets and we were fine with it.

And yeah, Lindsay Lohan could have been a joke as a judge but we were honestly surprised how...put together she was (and we ain't talking about her outfit).

Look, the term "fashion icon" (like "supermodel" and "diva") gets tossed around way too much - and we're not saying she is one - but like her or not, she's someone that designers and fashion editors pay a lot of attention to and she has real world experience when it comes to wearing red carpet dresses.

Granted, she practically has an entire wing devoted to her over at Go Fug Yourself, but despite that (or maybe because of it) she is, as they say, a "person of interest" when it comes to fashion. And wonder of wonders, she actually had some good, practical things to say to the designers. We thought she was going to do nothing more than nod her head in a drug-induced haze, but she was actually fine.

Yes, we know they mentioned that she has her own line, but let's pretend we didn't hear that.

So, Congratulations Christopher! Way to go, Mr. Home Eyebrow Waxing Kit!

There is much to love about this adorable guy, but you know what our favorite thing is?

It's the way he does that patented "they're pinning the tiara to my head right now" beauty-contest-winner move with his hands when he cries. And he cries often.

Much like the "I'm an addict and I'm going to mention it every 20 seconds or so" guy, Christopher's "I have no formal training" schtick was perhaps a bit overplayed (and in retrospect, we should have seen it for the winner's edit that it was).

But he's super-sweet and so proud of himself for making it there that honestly? He'd have to do something really bad to get on our nerves. We suspect he's going to be this season's Uncle Nick. A lovable fan favorite.

And is he an accessories queen or what? He comes with more extras than your average Barbie doll: earrings, chain, ring, watch, sunglasses, hat. You just know he drives a pink Corvette.

Alright, teasing over. Let's get to the dress.

Model: Katie Sticksel

It's a gorgeous damn dress. We'll get to the crack-smoking judging of the All-Star challenge later, but it was nice to see it followed up with a judging session chock full of decisions with which we entirely agreed.

There were a lot of pretty decent looks on the runway last night but we have to say that this was our favorite for a lot of reasons.

It looked very on-trend. Very "Anne Hathaway on the red carpet in Marchesa."

We knew it was a contender the minute Heidi laid eyes on it. She couldn't keep it off her face. You could tell she loved it.

And we agreed with the one critique she made: that the color of the ruffles was too dingy looking. Had he gone with something with a little more pop and contrast, this could have been a jaw-dropper of a dress.

It has a nice combination of sharp edginess contrasted with a soft girlishness. The only other critical thing we can say (not that it hurt him) was that he took Tim's advice about styling a little too close to heart and styled her down a little too much. We liked the shoes, but that glove was a big no and she could have used a little more oomph in the hair and makeup.

Still, a strong start and a great entry.

Now girls, as you know, we have a lot to discuss. Later today we'll get to the winner of the All-Star challenge and the auf-ee from the premiere. And of course, in the coming days, we'll be looking at every single dress from last night (all 40 of them!) and every single designer, not to mention Models of the Runway (which was surprisingly entertaining). Simmer down and don't you worry, there's not one aspect of last night that will escape the T Lo treatment. Patience, kittens.

Extended Judging of Christopher Straub:

[Photo: Mike Yarish/ - Video: - Screencaps:]

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